You Are My Baby Now

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Hiya! Thanks for all of the support I've been given! The next couple of chapters will be dedicated to the people who gave my book a chance and have really encouraged me! I hope you like the update!

Okay I'll shut up now and write!
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**Carter's pov( aka the new daddy!)**

After finally being released from work, I am finally able to head to the station to meet the child my brother has decided to make me raise. I've never raised an abused and neglected child, so I'm not too sure I'm the right parental figure for the boy.

Stopping at the red light I sigh and tap my fingers against the wheel nervously. From the corner of my eye I watch as a father crosses the road with as small boy. They cross in front of my car, the father picking his son up and throwing him into the air briefly. I watch as the little boy laughs and wraps his small arms around his father; and I watch as the father wraps his arms around the boy and smiles, seemingly completely content with his son in his arms.

I then think back to the supposed Angel my brother has saved and gifted to me. He doesn't have that. Maybe, if even only for a small while, I could give him that.

I'm snapped back into reality by the consistent sounds of many vehicles honking behind me and look up to see the traffic life above me has turned yellow, then red. Oops. I try to wave sorry to the cars behind me, only to receive many birds signaled back at me. I sigh once again and rub my face tiredly. Finally, I move my vehicle pass the intersection and try to ignore the angry shouts of the drivers passing me, going way pass the speed limit.

I pull into the station parking lot and step out into the falling suns rays. Straightening my jacket and coming my hair back, I make my way to the entrance and greet the many officers lagging around. I point towards my brothers office and they nod in a way that says 'go ahead'. My trembling hands reach forward and ball into fists as they both knock in the door. I then seem to realize I only need one fist to knock and quickly shove the other in my pocket as I smile nervously, heading obvious chuckles behind me signifying they had seen my little act of nervousness. As I hear footsteps come towards the door I wipe my sweaty brow and settle a small, wary smile on my face.

Jeremy opens the door and greets me with his body slightly turned to the side, not allowing me to see the package glued to his side. He ushers me inside, closing and locking the door. As he turns towards me I'm finally able to see a tiny, blanket covered bundle in his arms. I slightly angle my head to see the mousy hair and chubby cheeks the little boy has shoved into my brothers neck. I mentally coo and look expectantly at my brother, frowning when he shakes his head at me and wraps both arms around the boy. I cross my arms and he sighs, bringing his large hands up to cup and stroke the small child's locks of hair. He presses his lips close to the boys small ears and whispers to him. I can barely make out tiny fragments of the sentences like 'brother' , 'safe', 'meet', and few others. I smile softly at the little face I see peaking towards me only to see him quickly turn his head back into his little hiding spot. I look around and smile as I see some toys, then curse at myself for not grabbing something for the boy on my way here. Grabbing the toy, I turn towards my brother and slowly walk up the the kid.

"Hey buddy, look at what I've got. It's a toy truck. Do you know what sound the truck makes?" I whisper softly to him. I smile when I meet his soft, innocent eyes and he shakes his head.

"It makes the 'vroom, vroom' noise. See?" I mimmick truck sounds as I crouch down and okay with the truck.

I peak out of the corner of my eye to see his baby face slowly turn it towards me in wonder. I smirk and make a crashing noise as I collide my truck and another car toy together. I smile as I hear his innocent laughter as I continuously collide the vehicles together and make all kinds of sounds with my actions. I then watch as his little legs wiggle in Jeremy's grip and Jeremy sets him down. He sits on his small legs and looks at me expectantly with his messy haired head slightly tilted to the side, giving him the small puppy look. I look down at my hands that encompass the toy cars and roll one towards him. He watches me silently and slightly startled with my movements. As the car rolls towards him, he backs up into Jeremy's legs.

He looks around with an obvious scared look as the car rolls to a stop, hitting his leg slightly. I offer my hands for him to see and smile again at him.

"Want to play with me?" I ask.

He looks at me, confused.

" 'M me 'llowed to? Mommy say I no llowed to have toys. An I no llowed to pway. Cuz' I bad." He sniffles softly, " I no want to get mommy mad and get hurt." He balls his small fists in his tiny lap and I quickly assure him.

" No, no baby. You ARE allowed to play. Your mom was mean; you weren't and aren't bad. You are a good, smart boy. And you do NOT EVER have to worry about getting hurt again."

His eyes fill with tears and he sobs out, "Mommy weft me? But I pwomised-ed to be good! I be good! Mommy I sowwy! I be good! You no hafta hurt me no more cuz I be good! I no pway!" He throws the toy and I since at his harsh sobs. Jeremy and I both step forward and he shrieks and runs. His blanket falls off his small body, leaving him exposed and I gasp harshly at the horrid sight but swallow down my emotions and grab the struggling boy. His body balls up and I sit down, avoiding and then clapping his small fists that swing my way. I wrap my arms around him and slowly rock us both as I try to provide comfort.

" Sssshhhh, honey. Yes, mommy left you," I curse to myself for my stupidity as he sobs aloud again but the quickly continue, " but it's not your fault. You are a good boy. You do not deserve to be hurt. You are allowed to have fun and have toys. And you know what? You don't have to worry about ever being a bad boy again or getting hurt. Do you wanna know why? Because now your mine. You are my baby now. And I promise to love you. I will always be here for you. I will care for you, Play with you, Feed you, and show you all the love you need and more. And you'll never hurt or be alone. Do you like the sound of that?" His nods slowly subside and he nods. I smile in relief but then notice his still nakey body.

"Now, how about we put those comfy looking pajamas on?" I coo and he giggles. Together, Jeremy and I clothe the little angel. Now, it's time to take him home.

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