Nightmares and Truths

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To TheFantasyQueen5112 you are fantastic!!!!!! Thank you so much for your support!!!!!! Here is a little bit from me to you because of your thoughtful comments!


I'm sleeping when I hear it. It's faint at first but steadily grows louder.
And louder.

What is it?

I focus on my hearing and am able to make out the telltale sounds of sobbing.

Sobbing...why sobbing?

Yesterday's events come crashing back to me and I throw my body forward into a sitting notion. I look at the bed and find a heartbreaking sight.

Kei is sobbing. His little boy is curled into a tiny ball, his small arms attempting to shield himself from any and all danger. His body quakes.

I slowly draw myself into my knees and crawl towards him.

"Sshhh, sshhh, it's okay baby. It's all fake. Nothing's real, little angel. You're safe now. Daddy's here." I comfort as I climb onto the bed. I don't reach out as his body tenses, waiting for him to untense so I don't cause him to panic further.

Slowly, oh so slowly, his body untenses. I breathe a sigh of relief and brig him into my arms and lap.

"It real dough. It all weal. All!" He sobs into my chest. The boys around me wake and make their ways onto the bed, all surrounding us. Each and every person now has a hand on him.

The touch seems to calm him for many minutes before he suddenly springs up and out of my grasp with a scream. His body tumbles off the bed and I'm quick to react. I grab the boys, knowing them trying to touch and comfort him will cause him to go into an attack, and we all try to speak comfortingly.

It doesn't seem to work.

Keis little body crawls to the corner, sobbing and gripping onto his hair and limbs. His eyes scrunch shut and he begins to bang on the wall. The attacks the wall as if it was the one ATTACKING him.

"No! Stop! No! Don'! Help!" He cries and flails his limbs.

In that moment I finally just begin to understand.

I understand the severity.

And I want nothing more than to wrap my hands around his supposed mother's neck and to just SQUEEZE.

I get off the bed and motion for the boys to stay seated. I will not allow Kei to feel crowded.

I carefully approach him and settle a couple feet away.

"Kei. Kei baby...look at me please. They wont ever hurt you again. Okay. I promise. SHE wont ever hurt you again. You will be loved. You are bot worthless. Hey! Repeat with me! C'mon baby boy, repeat. And believe."

His beautiful teary red eyes meet mine and we bith hold the stare.

"I, Keilighn, ..."

"I, Keiwighn..."

"Will never be hurt by monsters again..."

"Neva be huwt by monsers gain'.."

"I will always and forever be loved unconditionally by my new daddy and brothers..."

"Will alway and ever be woved uncon...condit-ion-ally by new daddy and broters..."

"I am bot worthless."

"Not wortless"

"Now come here" I open my arms to him and he giggles.

"Now come ere'" He laughs and opens his arms too.

"Aw why you?!" I growl and launch at him with my hands. The boys join in and we all laugh as we assault him with tickles. He tries to squirm away to no avail.

Tears fill his eyes agon bit this time of happiness and we all can't help but mock his "ssttt-st-ttt-ooo-pppp!"

"What?! Stop! Stop what?" We all coo and he just about pees his pants. We finally release to him admiring defeat only to be surprised as his small body flings up at us on a flurry of colors and limbs.

"Rawr!" He growls as he attempts to tickle us all. We all scramble away and run, slowly, away from him. We bounce up and down from the bed, around the room, the walls, etc. all screaming and laughing.

"Oh No! The little lions got me!"



"Aaahhhh!!!!! Noooo!!!!! The little lions chasing me!"



"Aaahhh! Have mercy Little Lion!"



Then, we all turn on eachother.

Teams are built and broken as we flung things around the room, including eachother, attacking eachother with tickles.

I've never had so much fun in my life.

The boys all admit defeat and I flex above their giggling (Not that they'll all admit it, even innocent little Kei! Grow up so fast! *tear*) forms.

"I AM THE CCCHHHHAAAMMPPPIIOOONNN!" I chant as I basically gallop around the room flexing. I stop at their tired bodies and poke them all in the tummy. Finally, I collapse beside them and we all calm down enough to decode we want sandwiches for lunch and tacos for dinner.

We make our way downstairs, little Kei being passed around, and head into the kitchen.

Time for pancakes.

Chocolate pancakes. 


I can't wait to see Keilighns reactions to their yumminess.

I make quick work of making the pancakes and distributing them to my pig of a family, me included.

I put some butter and syrup on Keilighn's pancakes, because that's the best way to have them, cut them up and wait for his reaction.

He picks up the fork warily and we all watch on in excitement.

'Come on. Come on.' I know we all chant in our heads.

His small little hand brings the fork up to his mouth and his rosy lips part to allow the pancake to pass through. He begins to chew and--

His eyes blow wide. He quickly scoops more pancake up and shoved it into his mouth.

"Ggoooo." he groans and we all laugh.

"Yep, he's definetly OUR kid."

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