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Sorry guys school is KICKING my BOOTAY



"You have to!"


"It's the law!"


"You are not-"




"-ing me!"


"I said no!"

"You have to! You seriously don't understand! It's law!" Jeremy reciprocates.

"We just got him back from that witch and they want him to PRESENT in front of her! I'm more than sure they have enough evidence to put her away! He's trying to forget!" I answer back, voice heavy with malice.

"He still needs to present! You don't want her to be able to come back with anything! It's best if it's from him and it's also mandatory." He explains, frustrated I'm not conceding so quickly.

"He still has nightmares!" I finally yell, desperate. I finger my hair harshly and sigh, exasperated.

A hand lands on my shoulder, meant for comfort. I look back into my brothers careful eyes and nod slowly, showing I understand.

"What day?" I ask tiredly.

He sighs, the sound old and wary, not at all portraying his actual age.

"Next Thursday, 3:00 p.m.; you have until then to show some improvement with him and let him know what is going to happen. He has to testify, say something!"

"He's just a kid, though", I state miserably, "He's supposed to be living carefree, hes suppose to forget about her and move on!"

"I know. And he will. Eventually. You have to remember that it takes time, just because he's showing happiness right now doesn't mean he won't have a relapse or any other problems besides nightmares. He's just a kid, like you said, and he doesn't understand you, or this family yet."

Wow, way to damper my mood even further. Oh brother of mine.

"I know. But it's be a lot easier if she would just go away! Gosh, even on her way to prison she's creating problems." I complain. "She will never be allowed near him again, not even a note. I don't care about the whole 'a new person who regrets their actions blah blah' because they can't take back those actions and their affects. It doesn't matter, you hurt any person, especially a child, that way then they deserve to sit in solitary confinement for the rest of their lives."

"And death?"

"Humans are social creatures. Death is too forgiving. They can suffer while they live, then suffer in hell."

"Agreed. But when are you going to tell him- them?"

"I don't know! You tell me!"

"I don't know! They're your kids!"


He nervously chuckles and looks at his wrist watch, "Speaking of- my kids and I have a date at the park right now. Why don't you bring my nephews along to have some fun with their favorite uncle?" He questions.

"Uncle Chesters coming?!" Donovan comes in, excited, although we can both tell he's just messing with Jer.

"Ha ha, you're so funny. Where do you get your humor from again? Your da-" just as Jeremy says dad he lunges at Don and tackles him in a side hug, noogying the poor little twerp.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Donnie laughs while batting his hands at Jeremy.

Jeremy releases him from his hold, laughing all the while. While he can, Donovan playfully runs behind me and uses me as a human shield.

"You think he will deter Me? C'mon, we both know I can take little brother here." He laughs and I scoff.

"You can not. Remember high school lacrosse? I totally took you down."

"I tripped!" He exclaims with his hands drawn out beside him.

"You did not!"

Laughs echo around us as we look at all my babies.

We look at them, then at eachother.

"I did!"

"He didn't!" We both echo in sync.

Their giggles (No matter what they say or how old they are they do giggle!) fill the kitchen and we both grin at each other.

"Hey dad what's for breakfast?"

"Yea for 'fast da?"

I coo at the words and reply, "Uncle Jer said he's going to take us out to breakfast and then to the park, then probably to lunch!"

His "what?!" is drowned out by the celebration around us.

I smile mischievously at him as he glares right back, certainly promising death.

"C'mon, we gotta get ready buds!" I yell as I run around I nudge them all on the sides of their stomachs( they're all ticklish there) and grab the youngest, running to their rooms as their protests upon my tickles follow us.

We get them all ready and packed in the car by 30 minutes and head over to Jeremy's to pick up my nephews. We've always found it odd that my parents had only brothers, my mom birthed only boys, and all her boys only had boys. I guess were lucky, we don't have to deal with the teenage girls and have to potentially kill some perverted teenage boy. Poor fathers of girls.

And honestly, poor girls.

And after gathering all the other brats (sweet children) we head to Coney Island. Cheap and pretty good, so it took the definite win for restaurant choices and plus I can't complain because I'm not paying. Ah, the pleasures of being a big brother.

Hours later we are home and the boys still have smiles plastered on their faces. It was Kei' s first official playdate and Parkdate! I was planning on breaking it to them after the park, but I couldn't stand to see those smiles leave their faces.

Later then.

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