chapter 7

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Cayden Donovan, Cadmar


((>>>> Dads pov>>>>))

After introducing little Kei to his new family we all decided to spend some quality time getting to know eachother.

Right Now I have little Kei in my lap after winning the war to determine who gets to hold the small child, which during so we were all fueled by his adorable giggles.

With his small butt lying in my lap and his tiny hands playing with my own we sit in silence, watching as he shyly peaks at us all once in a while.

"What's your favorite color buddy?"


"Favorite animal?"

"Eagle!" He giggles, then asks, "you?"

"My favorite animal?"

"Uhuh! And cowor!" He answers then points to all of us. 

"Well, my favorite animal is probably a lion or bear. And my favorite color is red." Answers Cayden.

"My favorite color is blue, and my favorite animal is is a wolf." Donovan answers next.

"I have two favorite colors: green, just like you!, and black. My favorite animal is have to say is a komodo dragon." Mar replies to which Leo stares in wonder.

"Modo dagon?" He asks, confused, "dagons are weal?!" He calls his hands excitedly.

They all chuckle and I decide to explain.

"No buddy, the dragons that breathe fire and fly aren't real. This is a big lizard that sorta looks like a dragon and moves really slow." I don't mention the fact that it's very dangerous but suddenly feel the need to after multiple seconds and he asks,

"Can I see one? Have one as pet?"

"No, buddy. They are very dangerous. They bite." I'm amazed when instead of whining like any other kid, he just nods in understanding. He's amazing, but at the same time I feel a pang of hatred in my chest knowing that unlike any other kid he's so accepting of not receiving. I don't typically spoil my kids, but I will spoil him.

He will know what it's like to want and get.

He will know what it's like to by happy.

He will know what it's like to be loved and have a family.

That's a promise.

***3rd person pov***

A yawn breaks the family's inner thoughts and they all look towards the source, including the source.

They coo as Kei looks down bashfully, his cheeks flushed a deep red. He yawns again, and because yawns are contagious, an outbreak of yawns sound in the room.

"I think," Cad pauses to yawn, " that it's time for bed." He manages to get out before another yawn escapes him. They all nod in agreement, trying and failing to stop their own yawns.

As Keilign yawns again he grows shy and stuff his face into his Dads chest, who chuckles at the feeling before yawning himself.

Cayden, seeing his father fighting back his teary eyes from the yawn, quickly grabs Keilighn out of his grasp.

Keilighn squeals at the sudden movement, a brief moment of panic coasting through him before he realizes who has him and relaxes into the hold. He wraps his legs and arms around the warm body holding him and snuggles his face said body's neck, oblivious to the glares each boy in the room is giving Cayden for stealing the precious being. Being his smug self, Cayden happily prances to his room all the while making extra show of the bundle in his arms.

He gasps as he feels and hears the soft snores Keilighn releases signaling his unconsciousness. He strokes his little brothers hair, coaxing him to stay sleep in as he deposits the tiny lump to his bed.

Keilighn's body spreads itself upon his departure with Cayden. One tiny hand balls into a fist at the side of his head while the other flails away from his being. His legs immediately spread apart and his hair makes a halo around his head. His chest rises and falls steadily with his barely audible snores and Cayden can't help but to smile. His smile falters slightly seeing a small shiver disrupt Keilighn's sleeping body's routine.

Donovan, seeing the shiver also, grabs a blanket and tucks it around Kei's body. Donnie brushes a small hair away from Kei's face, feeling the need to touch him, to protect him from all, annoyances included.

Seeing everyone's faces, Dad sighs. 

"I'm guessing we all want to here tonight, with him?" They all nod.

"Well, get the sleeping bags and blankets."

Getting comfortable, they all fall asleep to the sound of soft snores.

You guys it's been so long! I'm so sorry! I've been super busy with my surgery and job and all! And it's so short! Next update will definetly be better!!!

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