Yes Baby, You're Safe Now.

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**Carter's pov**

I'm in a business meeting when my brother, Jeremy, calls me suddenly. I laugh nervously as his ringtone makes itself known, "My milkshake brings all the boys to the ya-"
Yea no. I quickly answer the call, holding my finger up to the impatient men and women and walk out the door to talk to the annoying human.

"This better be good I'm in the middle of a meeting." I growl into the phone.

"It is. Congrats, it's a BOY." He replies with no room for humor in his voice. He's obviously serious.

"What are you talking about? I assure you I did not impregnate another women! Three boys is enough for me!" I hastily explain, sure some mistake has been made.

"No, you did not impregnate a women. I know that. I had a case. A little boy needs a home, and I will not allow him to go to foster care. You know how well kids turn out there. The system sucks and I will not allow it to ruin another." He explains.

I sigh and rub my forehead.

"Look-", I begin to say before I'm rudely interrupted.

"Please. Just come to the station and meet him after work. You'll love him. And even if you don't fall at first sight, which you will, I know you don't have the heart to allow the system to take him."

I peak my head into the meeting room and signal that I'll be back in a minute. I ignore the collective amount of groans and quickly tell my brother I'll meet him at the station after work then hang up. What'd I get myself into?

Shutting my phone completely off, I then shove it into my pocket and make my way back into the meeting.

I sit down and smile, "So, where were we?"

***** Jeremy pov*****

I finish my paperwork just as the little boy wakes up. I can't help but coo as his bright little eyes slowly open, glazed with a sleepy haze. He takes his tiny, bruised fist and rubs his gorgeous, colored eyes. I quickly regret making noise though when his body suddenly tries to shoot off my lap and he screams. I quickly draw him back to me as to ensure he doesn't fall and hurt himself only for him to freak out more. I let go and quickly signal the people who came at the distressed call to leave and then pick the door. I turn around to see his small body huddled in my office corner. I crouch down and slowly make my way towards him; I stop a few feet away to make sure he doesn't feel crowded.

He trembles.

"Ssshhhhh, baby, I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe. I promise. Do you remember Me? I saved you."

He nods his head.

We sit in silence for a little while before he hesitantly asks, "Where's momma?"

I frown. It is a normal reaction for abused children to still want their parents. Especially this young. Some can't let go at the want for their parents to love them. Some just don't know anything else.

"Your mom's not coming back, little angel. She didn't treat you like you should be treated. So, I saved you. Now you are going to go to a family that will love you and cherish you the way every child should be." I gently explain.

He sniffles and rubs his hand against his nose. Tears slowly start to fall from his eyes and he harshly rubs at them.

"Hey, buddy it's okay." I soothe as I slowly start to creep forward.

"No it not. I bad. I cry. Momma don' want me. I was bad, that why she don' wuv me. I stupid. I-" I quickly stop his harsh words towards himself and slowly gather him into my arms. I give him enough time and  room to escape my grasp and am surprised when he actually leans into my chest.

"No, No, no buddy. You're not bad. You're not stupid. I want you. Plenty of people want and love you. I love you. Your mom is a horrible person, okay buddy? She is bad." I explain as I rock him back and forth in my arms.

"Mom.....bad?" He asks, seemingly perplexed.

"Yes, baby. Mom bad." I reply.

"Why?" He shyly asks, looking up at me through his long lashes. So precious.

"Because she didn't love you. Because she didn't give you toys or play with you. She didn't make you meals and give you bubbly baths. She didn't cuddle and tickle you. She didn't make you laugh or be happy. She didnt act like a mom at all. She hurt you and neglected you. She made you sad and scared. She fed off you. She didn't cherish you." I softly explain, running my fingers through his greasy hair. I tap his nose and chuckle as his eyes go crossed while trying to follow my finger.

He giggles. It is a giggle that holds pure innocence. It astonishes me. It sounds like an angels laugh. My children were the only beings that ever held a place in my heart until now. This little boy just glided into my heart effortlessly.

Just as I was about to speak to him again a knock sounds at the door. He jumps out of my arms and hides under my desk. I sigh, disappointed and answer. Conner, another detective, holds up a bags of toys, blankets, food, and some clothes. Ah, just what I asked for. After thanking him and him giving me my card back, ( I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of paying for an angel) I make my way over to the boy. I crouch down so I can get eye level with him and show him all his new gifts.

" Hey buddy, look what I got for you. You hungry?"

He nods and slowly climbs out from his hiding spot. He looks around the room, obviously searching to see if any danger is near. I set out his McNuggets and McFries with his McApples and McMilkshake. I also give him the little you that's included in the package deal and he squeals, holding it to his chest. He smiles widely then sets it on his lap. Warily eyeing me, he slowly reaches his hand out towards his nuggets.

"Go on buddy. They're for you." I encourage.

Happy with my response, he quickly pops the whole nugget into his tiny mouth and chews quickly. All the while, he never takes his gaze off me. Obviously, he thinks I'm going to take his food or do something else horrible. I'm not going to mention his eating habit because at least he's eating. I won't scare him but hopefully in the future he can eat slower, and with smaller mouthfuls.

We eat in silence for awhile until I ask, "You like it?"

He nods repeatedly, a smile on his face while he kicks his legs back and forth.

"That's good. And afterwards, we can play with your new toys! And we can pick out an outfit for you to wear! Does that sound fun?"

He finishes eating and asks, amazed, "Me get toys? And clothes? Play?"

I get up and bend down, eye level with him. "Yep! Whatever you want. Do you want to get dressed first then Play?"

He nods excitedly and I pick him up off the chair. I place him on my hip, walking towards the bags all the while still holding my jacket to his body for cover. I set him down near and bags and we dig in together. He picks a soft pajama pair and I smile.

Just as were about to start clothing his small, frail body another knock sounds. I quickly grab him and set him on my hip again. Answering the door with his small face shoved in the crease between my neck and chest I come face to face with my brother.

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