Welcome Home Little Angel

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To all of those who have supported me: THANK YOU!!!! Also, if you would like anything, ANYTHING just comment or message it. It could be that you want a specific scene or even a new book written! I want to give back to you all for the amazing support! And this goes for any of my stories, just tell me the story and the request!!


**Carter's pov**

I carry my precious son, cuddled to my chest, to my vehicle. Behind me, Jeremy carries all his necessities, including his little child seat.

"Why do I have to carry everything?" He whines, his arms drooping to show off how childish he is.

"Your not. I'm carrying something. The most precious of all." I gently bump the child and he giggles shyly. We both smile, but soon Jeremy's smile turns to a glare.

"Why do you get to carry the precious cargo. I found him!" He whines again.

I scoff and my little boy giggles again. We both smile at him as he shyly peaks his face out from my neck. Once he realizes we are start at him he hides his face once again.

"Because he's mine!" I possesively answer and smile evilly at him. He pouts and I chuckle.

I open my vehicle door and Jeremy piles everything in. He sets up the carseat and I set the little angel in it. Or, well, I attempt to. He refuses to let go. His tiny arms hook around my neck, anchoring his body to mine. I try to disengage myself but abruptly stop as he starts to sob.

"Hey, hey buddy. What's wrong?" I try to soothe as I rub his back.

"Don' leab' me! You promise!" He cries into my neck.

"No no honey. I'm not going anywhere. Your going home with me. We just have to put you in this seat to make sure you don't get hurt. Okay?"

"You...you not hurt den' weave me? I never have seat fow safe." He asks, looking up at me with so much hope it breaks my heart, again. By the time this little boy is 18 I'll have hundreds of heart attacks, I suppose.

"No no honey. I'm daddy, and daddy's don't leave. You're going home with me buddy and meeting your new family. Three older brothers. Are you excited?" He nods excitedly and I feel accomplished. I try to unwrap his arms once again to no avail. I look at Jeremy and he nods. I give him my keys and get into the back with the angel in my lap.

"Huh, who woulda known. A lawman  breaking the law. " I joke, tightening my arms around my son's tiny waist.

"Shut up!" He laughs, then stops as my cargo whimpers. We quickly realize our mistake as 'shut up'. I comfort his tiny form again and inwardly go WWE on his ex-mom. I don't give a flip if she's a woman.

"Hey baby, what's your name?" I ask, wondering why I hadn't asked before. I look at Jeremy and he shakes his head, signaling that he didn't know either.

"Not momma says it's lots of dings'. Wike worthless, dupid, distake, and-" I cut him off, the words and his teary eyes too much for me.

" How about this...Keilighn Hillman. Pronounced Kay-lin. And since your my son, you get my last name. Keilighn suits you because it means 'mighty warrior' in another language. And you're my little mighty warrior." He nods, smiling.

"De teacher always said m' name was Less Forth dough?" He looks up at me, confused.

"Well, which one do you want baby?" I ask.

"Yours!" He points to me and smiles. I smile back and look at Jeremy, who nods back. Once I officially adopt him we'll change his name. We make our way down my driveway, which is thankfully located in the middle of woods that I own in the middle of nowhere! I look down to see Kei (pro. Ki or Kay) staring amazed out the window. His small hands grip mine and he bounces in my lap. I laugh and move my hands to his armpits and lightly tickle him. He laughs an amazing laugh and then the vehicle stops.

"Welcome home little angel." I greet.

The house is lit up and I know it's because the boys are worried. They run out of the house and I can see them gulp when they only see Jeremy. Jeremy walks up to speak to them and they all walk towards the vehicle.

Kei grips my wrists hard, obviously scared as he watches them walk to the car. Light floods the small, black car as the door closest to me opens. Kei gasps and flinches away.

I nervously meet my other three boys' gazes.

"What the hell!"


Sorry for the shortness! I'm on vacation right now but trying to update too!

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