Where Did He Come From?

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**Dads pov**

"Hey, you watch your mouths!" I try to sound parental but it comes out weak, like I'm trying to avoid the confrontation I know is to come, which I am.

I receive knowing and pointed glares in return.

I look down at the angel in my lap and  being the coward that I am, " O my gosh...Where did he come from?!" I try to sound shocked and widen my eyes to make myself seem more confused. It doesn't work. My children know me too well. After some more blank stares I decide to explain.

"He's your new brother. He was abused and neglected by his mother...she, she did horrible things to him. We are going to give this little angel a good, loving home. I know it's not right for me to spring this into you guys, but I couldn't leave his tiny, innocent soul to possibly suffer any further."

To further my argument I shift the baby in my lap so his innocent doe eyes and small face are facing them all. I can both see and hear them awe and I know that he's already won their hearts and my argument.

My oldest son at 16, Cayden, makes grabby hands indicating he wants to hold the precious boy but I shake my head. Not only do I not want to make him uncomfortable, but I also want to keep holding him. The frown I receive in return tells me that I won't get my way for long.

Donovan, my second oldest at just 15, motions for me to hand Kei over as I attempt to get out of the car. In response I twist my body so Keilighn nor he can see eachother. I don't know how he'll react to so many strangers.

Finally Cadmar, my second youngest now at 14, just turned, decides to speak my mind.

"Guys, due to his horrible past, do you really think he wants to be crowded and held by three strangers?" God Bless my great parenting.

They all nod in resignation and help retrieve the bags from the vehicle. I walk up to the house, my little bundle secured in my arms, and begin to welcome my baby home.

I slowly bump him up and down on my hip as I show him his new and first home with everybody else trailing behind me.

"And here's the kitchen. This is where I'll get up every morning to make your brothers and you breakfast, to make you lunch and dinner. It's where I'll teach you to cook too! And we can make lots of sugary goodies too!"

" And here's your room. It's not finished yet so you'll be rooming with me for a little while if that's okay buddy? Also, everyone's rooms are down this hallway so you'll always have someone near you. Here's the bathroom...are you potty trained?" He nods and giggles a little.

"Well that's good. Your such a good, big boy!" I praise, and he smiles proudly while puffing his small little chest out just a bit. I lightly tickle his neck and chest and delight in the squeals that emit from his mouth.

Looking behind me, I realize that I'm being unfair to the others so I decide to out Kei down to meet his new family.

He quickly hides behind my leg and I smile nervously at the others before bending down to reassure the boy.

"Hey, there's nothing to be afraid of. Remember Jeremy over there?" He nods as I point Jeremy out. "Well since he's my brothers, and I'm your daddy, he's going to be your uncle. And these are your big brothers. That's Cayden, Donovan, and Cadmar." I point each out, one hand on his back to keep him from running and hiding.

"We are all your family now. We love you. There's no reason to be scared of any of us because we will protect you from all harm and make sure you are always happy." I explain gently.

He nods, looking hesitant to believe me. I don't blame him though and I know it will take a lot of time to heal him from his painful past. But that's what family is for. He looks down at his feet as the boys all sit criss-cross applesauce on the carpeted floor. Moving his foot slightly so his toes seem to dance on the floor in circles, Keilighn examines them all through his lashes, his head still slightly tilted towards the ground.

I'm thankful he seems to be considering his new family.

Finally, painfully slow he seems to finally rest his full weight up in both his feet and creep forward just slightly. After seeming to gauge their reactions, he creeps out a little further towards them all. Then, he softly pads over to his brothers and considers them for a moment.

I'm surprised when he takes Donovan's face in his hands and turns it slightly, looking from all angles. He then takes his hands, holding them gently in his own and searching. He looks into Donovan's eyes and I guess he can see the love and sincerity because he reaches his face over and softly kisses his brother on the cheek.

He repeats this process with all of his brothers and it brings tears to my eyes.

I stand up with Jeremy and walk over to my boys. My boys. I love saying that. I bring them all into an embrace and hold them tight for awhile with Jeremy.

Eventually, Jeremy has to leave and go home with the promise to spend time with his family and bring them over once in a while.

The night is still young for this new family though.

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