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Cayden, Donovan, Cadmar


"Okay, so let's try this again. Say, Donovan is the best-"


"Yes, best little buddy. Actually, let's make it bestest. Donovan is the beste-"

"Bestest isn't even a word!"

"Sshhh!!!! Cayden stop ruining my mojo!"


Little Kei watches, very amused, as Donovan chases Cayden up the stairs, then down the stairs, then up the stairs again, then dow- nevermind. He watches as Donovan and Cayden trio and fall down the stairs together. Two groans erupt from the floor after several seconds of falling and many thuds accompanied by 'ow'. He rushes from his spot on the dining room chair, being extra careful crawling down due to his short legs, and to the two fallen boys.

His huge eyes look down worriedly at the two entangled lumps on the floor and hesitantly offers his hands to them both.

"You Kay? Wan' hewp?"

"Ggrraaaaa!!" Comes from behind the surprised boy as he's suddenly enveloped into the two hide arms of his youngest older brother, Cadmar, and whisked away from the two lumbering lumps.

"Come on little brother! You don't want to help the two monsters!"

Two different growls are heard behind them and Keilighn shrieks in surprise as he watches the two get up from their spots on the floor to assume two different 'threatening' poses and growls. They chase after the two, the rooms of the house filled with giggles, growls, and yells.

"You'll never escape us!" The two monsters growl as Cad runs, laughing and overtaken by adrenaline.

"Wanna bet?!" He tells back but doesn't receive a response. He looks back in wonder but quickly regrets the action as he runs into a large figure and falls on his him with Kei on his lap. He looks up through his hair and gaps along with Kei as their eyes meet the figures of their brothers. Who, by the way, are looking at them, obviously mischievous.

The gasps soon turn into laughs as they are attacked by an onslaught of tickles. Then, they are thrown over the twos shoulders, brought to the living room, and deposited onto the couch. The laughs die down and they all decide on 'Ferdinand' to watch on.

During the movie they all conk out and cuddle themselves to each other. That's how he finds them. 'He' being their father.

He comes home after a long day at work, opens the door, and calls out the famous "honeys! I'm home!" Before frowning at the silent response. Setting down his keys, he searches the house before finding his precious children in the living room, on the couch, cuddled. Cadmars face rests on Caydens chest while Donovans face rests between Cadmars shoulderblades. On the side, in the arms of each boys left or right arm, is Kelighn, snuggled into their sides. Their chests rise and fall steadily, lips slightly parted, soft snores emitting, and lashes rested softly against their rosy cheeks. He can't help but awe at the sight and open his phone up to take some pictures.

After about 100 pictures from all angles, he decides to wake up the bunch so they are more likely to fall asleep when it comes to actual bedtime.

The little groans and whines that escape from them are almost enough to make him regret his decision.


Cue evil laughs.


Sorry it's so short you guys but I've got to go to robotics and still have homework! I was just missing my books and fans!

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