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Caden Donovan Cadmar

*Cadens pov*

"Hey Dad!" I rush down the stairs when I hear him enter th house.

He turns with a smile and hugs me, ruffling my hair.

"Hey bud, where Kei and the others?" I shrug, a little disappointed that the first thing he wanted to know was about Kei.

I love Kei, I really do! But lately Dad's attention had been focused solely on him, and it's kind of disappointing when you want to just have a little one on one time.

"I dont know, outside maybe?" He turns to look at me, a disaproving look in his eye.

"What's wrong? And why dont you know where your brothers are?" He questions, setting his case down near the couch.

"Nothing....hey Dad? I have my first football game of the season coming up on Wednesday at 5:00, can you go?" I question, hoping he would say yes.

He smiles, "Yea Bud! You know I love going to your games!"

Now it's my turn to smile, relived that he didnt say he was too busy.

"Great! I cant wait! This season is gonna be really good my coach says that I'm the best--" I get cut off from my rant with the sounds of Dad shouting.

"Kei! Hi buddy! Come here, I've missed you!" Little Kei hesitantly toddlers up to Dad and hugs him. And though I'm glad to see Kei, the rejection of my words hurt. I swallow the anger and head upstairs.

"Wait Cade! Didnt you want to say something? Something about seasons?" I turn back, shocked.

"No, I'm gonna be in my room."

*Donovans pov*

I watch as Caden takes off up the stairs and sigh. I feel bad for Dad; because he has to take care if us all and Kei really needs the attention, but it hurts when he basically ignores the rest of us.

I stay sitting on the couch for awhile, waiting for Dad to greet me or even notice me. He doesn't. I sigh again, and take off after Caden.

"Cade?" I knock on his door.

"Go Away!"

"Its Don....can I come in please?"

"....yea" I open the door slowly and spot Cade on his bed, face down.

"Big mood Cade, big mood." I sit down and chuckle when he whacks me with a small, indignant-"shut up!"

I stay on my back, looking up at the ceiling. An arm crosses over my chest and I look to see its Cadens, but his face is still in the pillow.

I poke his face and laugh when he finally turns so the right side of his fave in lying on the pillow, his eyes glaring at me.

"What do you want Dweeb?" Rolling my eyes, I look at him.

"I know how you feel. But itll eventually wear off! And he's coming to your game on Wednesday, he said so. So be happy!"

He grumbles and pushes me off his bed.

"What have I said about coming in my room?"

"To not to." I reply innocently.

"Get out, before I make you."

I laugh, then scream as he vaults off his bed and towards me. I just barely make it out of his room before he slams the door. I look back and kick his door lightly enough so Dad can't hear.



Cadmar's pov**

Today is Caden's game, and Kei is being babysat by me and Donovan while Dad goes to the game. Apparently, he can't trust just one if us to watch Kei.

"Good luck!" I shout to Caden as he leaves with his friends to meet Dad at the field.

He waves good-bye, a smile on his face. When the door closes I drop my smile and look at Kei- who's staring back up at me with wide eyes.

"Oh Dad, please dont fuck this up." I whisper.

"Fuck?" My eyes go wide.

"Kei no!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He giggles and runs down the hall.

Oh no, what have I done?


Caden pov***

My team is running through drills when I glance up for the fiftieth time to see no sign of Dad in the crowds.

Ted, my best friend, nudges me gently as he runs by, "dont worry, he will be here!" He whispers.

I smile slightly and speed up to lightly jog up the the circle.


*A few Moments Later(just kidding its halftime)*

He's not here.

He promised.

I knew it.

I knew he wouldn't come.

I snap back to focus when the whistle blows. I get into formation and dig my feet into the ground, feeling my anger wash over me. Good. As soon as the signal is given I'm off.

My right leg pushes off of the ground while my left stumps hard, my target comes into sight and I let my anger control my movements as I sack him. He's down.

I look up into the crowd again to see no-one there specially for me.

He lied.


The game ends, we win. Yet I still cant being myself to be happy. I reject all the offers to drive me home and pack up the rest of my equipment, ready to start walking when a familiar truck rolls into the schools lot.

I roll my eyes as my Dad gets out.

"Cade! I'm so sorry I missed your game! I totally forgot and went home to see Kei-"

"That's exactly it! Its always about him! What about us Dad?! What about us?!"

"Caden! You know he needs us right now-"

"And I need you! We all need you! Kei is my brother, and I love him! But why cant you pay attention to us too? Why?!" I scream, throwing down my equipment on the pavement and running my hands through my sweaty hair.

He just stares at me.

"Cade-- I'm sorry. I didnt know-"

I cut him off again, "whatever."

I grab my stuff and get into the back seat of the truck, as far away from him as possible.

"So, how'd it go? Did you win?"

I ignore him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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