𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯

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"hello. Is this Y/n?"

"Yes. Who is this? "


"Oh ok. What's up? "

"Monday after school, can you meet at Jungkook in the park at 5 ?"

"Yea but what for? "

"Can't explain now. Gotta go bye. "


Taehyung better has an explanation for this on Monday. I downstairs to my dad's office.

"Dad I'm gonna be home late on Monday."

"Why is that? "

"I have to see a movie with Jackson." Ugh, I hate lying to my dad....not really

"Ok be home by 7"


Monday Morning
UGH MONDAY!!! Lord just end my suffering

Unfortunately, the weekend was boring....

Anyway, I got up and put my clothes on. I walk downstairs and saw that my dad left early. I ate breakfast and walked to school.

When I got to school, I noticed that I was getting more attention than usual. But this attention wasn't positive.

"Ew, look at the slut"

"Hey slut"

"Everyone, the slut is here"

People start laughing and pointing at me. I see that the cheerleaders have walked up to me. I tried to go around them but, they pushed me to the floor.

"Hey loser watch where you are going," the cheer captain said laughing.

I get up and try not to pop off on them. I walk to your locker and see it says slut all over it.

"Oh look it's the slut. Hide your boyfriends girls," Nia said, walking up to me and laughing.

I was already mad. That comment just pissed me off. I turned around and punch the life out of her. She hit the ground and starts yelling.


"Oh of course I did. Do I need to do it again?" I said, mad as hell. Everyone in the hallway started staring. Some guys from the football team ran through the hallway to comfort Nia.

"hey don't touch her or else," one football player says.

I was already mad enough. So now I was just raising hell. (Go off Y/n 😌)

"Well tell her to stop call people sluts when we all know she has slept with all of you."

Within 4 seconds, I end up fighting the whole football team. It was pretty easy considering our team is pretty trash and all the guys are weak.

Everyone else was scared paralyzed.

20 minutes went by and the whole football team was on the ground, whining. I was bleeding a bit and I was sitting by your locker to catch my breath.

"Ms. Y/L! What is going on here? " I hear the principal said.

"Well sir, they started to threaten me. So I had to deal with them bothering me. "

"My office now"

"Yes, sir!! " I said.

The principal had gotten everything situated, but since I fought the whole football team I have to do community service.

𝟻 𝚙.𝚖.

I walked to the park after doing some work and I see Jungkook there looking for someone. I start to walk up to him until you see Nia walk up to him and hug him.

I decided to stay and sit on a bench and see what's going on. Yes I'm spying, don't judge me.

"What happened to you? " I hear Jungkook say.

He sounds worried....how disgusting

"This crazy slut beat me up for no reason, babe."

Babe? Babe? What's the supposed to mean? Are they dating or something? Wait.....why do I care?

"Who?" Jungkook said. He sounded a bit upset now

"it's Y/n."

After she said that I can see Jungkook shocked in the corner of your eye. Then heard her say,

"Is that Y/n?"

She walks up to me and I look up. Then I smile.

"Oh hey. Good to see you here. "

"Are you stalking me? You're such a SLUT. "

"Is that the only insult you can come up with me? I'm actually here to meet someone."

"Yeah right."

I stand up and go around her. I started to walk home.

"Y/n wait" I hear Jungkook say.

"What's up? "

"What happened at school today? "

"Oh, nothing. Just beat up the whole football team and some cheerleaders. The usual. "

"Why would you do that? "

"Because for some reason people think we are dating, which is so gross. They decided it would be fun to call me a slut, so I had to show them who's boss. "

"Oh wow. "

"Yea and why did Taehyung tell me to meet you at the park? "

Jungkook POV

"Well,..... You see"

Because he wanted me to tell you that I like you even though it's so obvious.....

"I don't know. He's crazy. "

"True. I'll call you later. I have places to be."

"Later." walks away and heads home.

Ugh. Why can't I just tell her?

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