~Chapter 16~

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Oh look....a drawing. Yeah, i made art for a little bit of this book. Sorry XD

Dr.Flug's PoV 

I walked into the room BlackHat and i shared as best as i could, going into my eighth month now. The longer this went on for, the harder it got to do things here and there. Of course i didn't expect anything less, but still, it get's tiring.

I laid down, attempting to get comfortable, but then realizing i was more or less setting myself up for inevitable failure. I let out a sigh of frustration, trying to shuffle my way up onto the fluffy pillow behind me to see if that would help. Just as i expected, it did absolutely nothing. I groaned, falling backwards onto the bed and giving up any other attempts i had in me. It was no use. 

I felt the child's light kicks and small taps against my skin and i sat up, letting out a breath of air as a small pain was felt in my back. I looked up as i heard the door creak open and i soon seen BlackHat pop his head into the room. I smiled at him slightly as he entered the room completely, approaching me. 

"Hey Flug- Huh? You okay baby?" he asked suddenly, setting a hand on my shoulder and sitting beside me. I grinned at him sheepishly, sighing tiredly.

"Yea, kid's been causing me hell lately. But i didn't expect any less of your child," i said with a small chuckle. BlackHat laughed quietly and made his way behind me, setting his hands on my shoulders. "I'm just a little sore is all," i told him. He gently massaged my shoulders, lightly kissing my neck.

"Well i can only imagine Flug. You've been carrying a kid inside you for eight months. I'd expect you to be tired," he cooed. "Come here," he called me over. I scooched back and he set me in front of him so i sat between his legs. I felt his hands travel downwards in a soothing manor, then going back up again and adding a bit of pressure. He continued to rub and massage the tender and achey areas, causing the pain to melt away. 

"Oh that feels so nice," i moaned out in delight. BlackHat snickered quietly under his breath as he continued to do his work.

"It's been awhile since I've heard you moan like that Flug," he teased deeply, making a blush darken my cheeks. He seen i was rendered speechless, making him laugh as he continued, placing a small peck on my cheek. Once he was done, he gracefully pulled me back towards him, so i was laying on his chest. "Is that a little better?" he asked, rubbing my sides in a calming way. 

I let out a sigh of content, letting his warm and welcoming embrace envelop me like a blanket i could sleep in for days. 

"Yes. Thank you," i hummed in satisfaction. He grinned and i closed my eyes as i listened to his gruff voice begin to hum, except it sounded more relaxing than what most would expect. He hummed in my ear and i let the tune play through my head with a smile as he went on. I felt the light glow from my abdomen again and opened one of my eyes slightly to see that a bright blue light was glowing through the fabric of my shirt once more. 

I smiled, once more closing my eyes and enjoying this bliss for as long as it would possibly last. A few minutes passed by before i felt the glow go away and the slight pain in my back return. I winced and whimpered slightly in pain, tensing in BlackHat's grasp. He brushed back my hair.

"Something wrong Flug?" he asked in a hushed voice. I went to answer before i was cut off by a shot of pain bolting through me unexpectedly. My eyes shot open and i let out a yelp, my hand gripping his pant leg until my knuckles turned white. 

"A-Ah! B-BlackHat!" i yelped as quietly as i could. 

"Flug? Flug, what's wrong!?" he asked, sounding as though he was beginning to panic. The pain finally passed and i panted heavily, my cheeks turning red as tears glossed over my eyes. "Do you want me to call GreyHat?" he asked frantically, rubbing my back a little bit. I sat up, swinging my legs over the bed and trying to catch my breath.

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