~Chapter 27~

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Dr.Flug's PoV

Four months in, and the morning sickness still hadn't let up. If anything, it just got more intense, as it had scattered from just the morning to sometimes my whole day. There'd be days where even the smell or thought of food made me gag, and there would be others where i could inhale a whole three course meal in one shot. The days where i could actually eat something without being sick were the best days though, i'd found that cravings were more bent towards spicy things. I loved the taste of spicy foods, but good grief did it hurt to puke back up.

The childs first kick seemed to be a big deal to Damien and Demencia. They both have been arguing like children over what the gender of the baby will be, and when the baby kicked for the first time, that seemed to really bring out the beast in both of them for some odd reason. BlackHat and i watched in pure amusement as the two bickered with each other over if the baby would be a boy or a girl.

I personally didn't care what the gender of the baby would be, but i had my money on a boy like Damien had said. BlackHat was with Demencia on this one and betting for a girl. Excitement and anticipation levels in the mansion were high, and we were all eager to find out the gender of the baby the first chance we got.

The fifth month finally made an appearance, and GreyHat came to the mansion to put all of the bickering to an ease with an ultrasound. There was a bit more of an audience than last time, but that was no surprise to me since there were bets going all around. All together, there was about seven people in the room, counting Demencia, Damien, Slug, Me, and the three hat brothers. Of course, there could always be another half added on for the baby.

The monitor came on, and the room silenced, all looking to the screen.

"Heartbeat sounds normal, everything looks healthy," GreyHat said, making me smile as he moved the wand around my plump stomach. "And the gender is..." he stopped, causing everyone to lean in, "A little baby girl."

There was silence for a moment as i marveled at the small child on the screen, a loving smile on my face. Demencia soon broke the silence with a loud cheer.

"Yes! Finally! I won't be the only girl anymore! Thank the stars, i love my life!" Demencia yelled running around the lab. GreyHat laughed and wiped the gel off my stomach and BlackHat smirked down at me.

"I told you it was gonna be a girl," BlackHat said, high-fiving Demencia as she ran by. Damien hopped onto the table and sat in my lab, making me grin.

"Welp, guess they were right this time Damien," i admitted, making him pout.

"Aw man," he whined quietly, making me raise an eyebrow.

"What? You don't want a little sister?" i asked him, making him look up at me surprised.

"What? No, no, i don't care if i have a sister or a brother, it just sucks because now i owe Demencia a batch of cookies," he huffed, crossing his arms. I snickered quietly under my breath and kissed his head. He smiled up at me and hugged me, making my heart melt. I looked over to GreyHat, watchung him and BlackHat  just talk away off in the corner for a few minutes. I sat up from the table and made my way over to them, my hand resting gently on the bump of my stomach as I approached them with a smile.

"GreyHat, may I speak with you about some things? If you dont mind," I said politely. He looked at BlackHat, and they both looked like they had an unspoken conversation by the way they did so. I brushed ut off as GreyHat soon nodded we were heading out the dorr to discuss things privately. We went outside and the sun had begun to settle down above the horizon. I took in a deep calming breath of fresh air as I looked over at GreyHat.

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