~Chapter 25~

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BlackHat's PoV

"Do you have any sevens?" He asked, looking up at me from his hand of cards. I held my face in my hands, shaking my head.

"Oh my fuck, dad, i'm not here to play Go Fish with you! I'm here to see why you're torturing me and my brothers!" i wailed, throwing the deck on the table. He looked at me for a second, then at the cards i just threw down.

"So no sevens?" he asked, making me groan.

"Dad! It's been a close to a month of off and on times you'll come and talk to be, and you haven't told me anything! You can't just do this forever! I'm under a lot of pressure here, i have a pregnant husband on my hands, and i have a business to run! I need to know what you're planning already so i can protect my family if i have to!" i said, completely steamed at this point. My father leaned forward, setting has cards down and placing his arms in front of him. His deep brown eyes pierced through me, and i immedietly regreted raising my voice to him as i looked down.

"Son, you need to understand, that your words can change so much in your life. Patience and problem solving are skills you need to learn if you want to protect anyone. I already said i would tell you, but i want you to see what you have in store first." I felt myself look down slightly, my head still in my hands through the frustration. He suddenly grinned slightly, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. "Besides, i think your husband needs you more than i do right now." I raised my eyebrow at him, but before i could question it, i was already shooting up in bed, breathing heavily as the real world came back into veiw.

I breathed out a sigh of relief, thankful that the dream was finally over. Randomly for a month now, he would just show up in my dreams and come and talk to me, but no information was given, only adding to the stress. It was getting frustrating, far more than frustrating actually. Sometimes i wished he would just stay out of my head, others i'm determined to get more information out of him, it just depends on my mood. Of course no one except my brothers knew about the dreams, and i figured i'd tell Flug once i knew more about what was going on.

My thoughts were soon shattered by the sound of harsh and painful puking coming from the bathroom. I quickly threw the blankets off of me and made my way to the bathroom to find Flug throwing his guts up, per the norm since he'd found out. I sat beside him and rubbed his back, offering any kind of confort i could as he continued. Finally after a few minutes, he went to the sink and washed his mouth out, brushing his teeth. He silently went and laid back down, letting out a sigh as i came and sat next to him.

"Feel a little better?" i asked, rubbing his leg slightly. He nodded, looking over at me weakly.

"Actually yes," he said, making me laugh. He laid there limply, clearly not wanting to move as i offered him a soothing touch. "I don't remember being nearly this sick when i was pregnant with Damien. The whole sickness routine only lasted like a month. I'm already two months along and it hasn't let up at all, if anything it's just more frequent," he said with a sigh. I leaned over him and wrapped my arms around him, placing a gentle kiss on his neck.

"We'll get GreyHat to look at it, for now just try to relax at least," i said. He nodded and leaned up, giving me a kiss and smiling slightly.

"Where would i be without you?" he asked, making me laugh quietly.

"Probably homeless," i said, making him hit me in my chest playfully as we both laughed. I gave him another kiss before standing up and beginning to get dressed into my regular day clothes. He sat up in bed, grabbing a book that sat on the dresser near the bed and flipping through the pages until he found the right one and began to read. I traveled downstairs and proceeded to go on with my day, letting the paranoia and puzzling thoughts eat away at me some more as i tried to continue to figure things out.

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