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Lola Duffey sat on the Kaspbrak kitchen table as the three boys searched through the cabinets for food to take. Lola stayed quiet, the same way she had been since the encounter with Bowers yesterday.

"Take everything but the delicious meals guys, mum loves them."

Nobody listened to Eddie.

"Hey Eddie, are these birth control pills?"

Of course Richie was snooping. He had done with every house he attended. Even Lola's, which he found some of her 'girl products'.

"Yeah and I'm saving them for your sister. This is private stuff," Eddie shooed him away and over to Lola, who stared blankly at the floor.

"L?" Richie tried to catch her attention. She still stared at the gritty floor, "Lola? You okay?"

She snapped out of her gaze to see all three boys looking at her in worry.

"Yeah um I'm okay I just...don't worry," she rose from her seat and straightened out her light blue skirt. The worst possible thing to wear for riding a bike with Richard Tozier. Richie grabbed her hand and looked at her as if she was the moon. Beautiful.

"If anything happened, you would tell me...right?"

Her eyes showed the heartache that filled her chest. Broken and in pieces.


She grabbed his chin and examined his face for fresh bruises or cuts. And Richie just smiled. She always did when she saw him. It now had become a habit. They walked towards the front door, passing by Eddie's mother, who sat painting her nails.

"Eddie? Where are you kids off to?"

"Ju-just me backyard Mrs K," Bill replied as quickly as possible, "I got a new..."

"A new croquet set. Jeez spit it out B-b-bill!" Richie spoke sarcastically.

Mrs Kaspbrak had her eye on Lola, who stood with her hand still in Richie's.

"Eddie, are you sure you want to be playing with this girl?" she nodded her head towards Lola and the boys' mouths dropped open. Richie tried to step towards the oversized woman before Bill pulled him back, "I've heard some things and they don't sound very nice," Mrs Kaspbrak tried to whisper, but everyone of them heard was she was saying. And nobody liked it.

Lola was close to tears. With her arms that had now became weak, she pushed the boys out of the way and ran out of the house, her shaking hands covering her face. She didn't want to be known as the school slut anymore, she didn't think anybody did. A hand grabbed hold of her arm and she turned harshly, ready to be met with Henry Bower's horrible face. Only to be met with the sweet face of Richard Tozier. He pulled her into a tight hug. They always helped her. Like a sort of medication.

"Don't listen to her sunshine. She's just heard rumors."

"I just want it to be over Richard," she sobbed into his Hawaiian shirt that was now stained with tears.

"I'll make it better. I promise."

And they stood in the middle of the street, arms wrapping around each other to find some sort happiness in their own sadness.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine," Richie sang quietly to Lola while he ran his fingers through her blonde hair, "you make me happy when skies are grey," Richie could see Eddie and Bill walking towards them, walking Richie's bike as well, "you'll never know dear, how much I love you," he let one stray tear fall from his eye,

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