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That was it. It was over. All the pain, it was gone. Richie turned and grabbed hold of a shaking Lola. 'god she might collapse if I let go'. She was not the only one that cried though. From the corner of her eye, she could see a clear tear shine in the sewer light, rolling down Stanley's cheek. It had to be painful for all, but most hid their pain.

"I know what I'm doing for my summer experience essay," of course Richie had to crack a joke. He wasn't Richie without them.

Bill, who stood at the front of the group, closest to the sewer pipe, turned to see the familiar fire red curls of Beverly Marsh, and pulled her into a tight hug. All while, Lola sobbed continuously into Richie's white tee. The tears, they wouldn't stop. They couldn't possibly stop.

"Hey," Richie knelt down before Lola and pushed her chin up to make eye contact. God those eyes will be the death of me, "it's over," she sniffled as Richie wiped away on her cheek with his thumb, "no more clown, no more Bowers, and no more fear."

"But what about Papa?" she whispered as her bottom lip quivered, and Richie rose to her feet again, "what's going to happen to me now?"

Richie placed a cut-up hand on her cheek and pulled her in for a warm and comfortable kiss. It felt like home for them both. How have I not realized this before?

"I made a promise to you..." their foreheads were placed gentle against each other, "I made a promise to you the day we became best friends, that I would protect you. And I will not break that promise."

And for the first time in a long time, Lola smiled. A real, toothy grin. But it didn't last long.

"L-Lola," Richie and Lola parted to see a tearful Bill, gripping hard on to a yellow jacket and...Mr Duffey's glasses.

She reached towards him and took the large glasses from his shaking, dirty hands. They still felt warm, and even though they were down in the disgusting sewers, she could smell his scent so vividly. And yet again, she burst out crying. But Richie was not the one to comfort her straight away. This time, it was Bill Denbrough, as he cried along with her, at the loss of his little brother. They cried into each other's clothes. And once Lola's sobs were so deafening to his ears, Richie joined in on the hug. One by one, each loser joined in and as they all cried out their own pain, the loser's club was in fact, still losers.

(one more <3 )

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