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Richie's first reaction when seeing 'Georgie' standing in front of his older brother was to run in the other direction. Georgie is dead!

"I love you Billy!" the thing called out.

'It's not your brother Bill!' Richie screamed in his mind. But for once, his mouth didn't move, 'please Bill! It's not him!'

"I love you too," the gun rattled when Bill placed the tip to his brother's dirty forehead, "but you're not Georgie."

The shot filled the coldness in the air. Lola turned and buried her head into Richie's shoulder. She couldn't watch the small boy fall lifeless to the ground. Lola felt cold, and in that moment, she felt like her world was crashing even more. Richie gripped the back of her hair and kissed her head so softly that she would have drifted off there and then. And he kept his face buried in her hair as the tears rolled down her face, watching his friend's brother die, it could be more heartbreaking than just hearing the news of his death to start with. But once 'Georgie''s body started to move, Richie couldn't hold onto Lola any tighter. It was like his life depended on it. It was when the little boy's head turned into the clown's that the group of kids started to scream.

"Kill it!"

"Kill it Bill! Kill it!"

"Shoot it!
"Shoot it you dickhead!"

"It's not loaded," Mike whispered out, like it was almost all to himself.

Lola turned her head from buried into Richie's chest to face Mike who did the same to her, "L it's not Loaded!"

And that moment, it felt like everything stood still. Lola ripped herself from Richie, shouting at the top of her lungs, "William! It's not loaded!" before grabbing a metal pipe and slamming it across the face of the demon. But, she immediately regretted it. Pennywise rushed at her, grabbing her and yanking her towards its mouth.

"Lola!" Richie screamed, grabbing her metal pipe from the sewer's floor and slamming it against the back of the beast. It roared inhumanly, and dropped Lola. She scurried back to the group, Beverly and Eddie holding onto her.

"Are you okay?!" Eddie was panicking. You could hear it in his voice.

"I will be okay once this monster is dead," she tried to stand up once again, but she screamed in pain and fell back down. Her leg was twisted in a way that it shouldn't have been.

"Holy shit! Holy fuck!" Eddie was panicking even more.

When the high pitched scream of Lola Duffey left her lips, Richie instantly turned his head and ran, getting to her in .2 seconds.

"Sunshine! Sunshine you need to stay down from now on, understand?" it was like an older, more sensible Richie was speaking to her.

"Get me the metal pipe."


"Get me the fucking metal pipe!" Richie's eyes widened, along with the other's. Nobody had ever heard such words leave Lola's mouth. Most likely from becoming a best friend and girlfriend to Richie Tozier, Derry's trashmouth.

But, Richie did as he was told, passing Lola the metal pole that was her weapon and helped her to her feet. Just in time to see Bill Denbrough in a headlock from a demon clown.

"No! Don't!" Beverly screamed. It wasn't a secret that Bill and Beverly had taken a liking to each other. It wasn't a secret either that Ben had taken a liking to Beverly as well. Ben just couldn't sense the worry in Beverly's voice for a boy that she liked and could possibly die whenever Pennywise wanted, "let him go!"

"No. I'll take him. I'll take all of you!" Lola had never wanted something so dead in her life, "and I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear. Or!! You just leave us be, I'll take him, only him. And I will have my long rest and you will all live to grow and thrive and lead 'happy' lives, until old age takes you back to the weeds," his voice sounded so happy and cheery till the last minute, his voice turning so dark that it caused chills to go down Lola's back.

"Leave! I d-dragged all of you in-into this. I'm s-s-s-sorry," Bill spoke in whimpers although with his normal Bill stutter.

"I told you Bill. I fucking told," I'm telling him exactly what I think. I'm telling him what I've held in for so long and nobody is going to stop me, "You made it fake my death, made me walk through shitty water, made my girl almost get attacked by Bowers yet again and almost die," the way he said 'my girl', it made Lola's heart flutter, "you brought me to a fucking crackhead house and now I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown," Richie pulled a bat from the giant pile of children's bodies and toys.

Pennywise shoved Bill to the side, and roared while stumbling towards the glasses wearing boy.


The bat smashed against the clown's face, sending it towards Lola. The clown knelt in front of the bleeding girl. It's head transformed into her dead father's. Everybody knew he was dead, yet the girl drew closer to it.

"Papa," she whispered, a small smile pulling on her lips.

"I'm here baby girl. You can come with me. We'll be a happy family, like you always wanted."

He wasn't the parent with the British accent. She got that from her runaway mother.

"I miss you so much papa," she was close to tears, "I love you to the moon and back."

"If you love me, you would come with me, wouldn't you baby girl?" It's hands linked with hers as she was drawn even closer to death. Richie's eyes held on her.

'If she loses anymore blood, it's ass is grass,' he thought to himself.

"You can come with me. Leave everything else behind. We can be happy again," it's voice began to crack. Yet she still smiled at her 'father'.

"I would love to," Richie's heart nearly stopped. Only for it to start to come alive again as Lola raised her metal pipe above her head and getting ready to smash it's head wide open for all to see. That smile the loser's had rarely seen instantly dropping, "if only you were papa."

(okay I promise this time it's only three more chapters <3 )

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