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The tie almost choked Richie. Tightening and then untightening it, Lola couldn't decide. Soon enough, Richie just couldn't take it anymore. 

"Sunshine, I think that's good enough."

A baby blue suit with his huge glasses and a kippah on top. Yep, a real loser. Richie's stare was lovingly and hurt at the same time. Full of lust and wonder. But Lola couldn't understand it.

"Why are you looking at me like that Rich?" it was the first time he ever heard her say his nickname.

"Because you are so beautiful," she shyly tugged a hair behind her ear, "and because you said my nickname finally."

"I don't quite like it though. Richard sounds better to me."

"It sounds better when rolling off your tongue," Richie placed his hands on her waist that was covered with that white summer dress.

It was like she never took it off.

"Come on you two! You're gonna be late!" Mr Duffey called out.

Stanley Uris, the loser's club very own Jew, was having his bar mitzvah. Even though he didn't want to, strict parents sadly existed. Lola and Richie ran down the stairs and passed Mr Duffey that stood dusting off one of many picture frames.

"Bye Papa!" Lola called out when rushing out the door, Richie following behind.

"I'll bring her home after it Mr Duffey!" Richie always reassured Mr Duffey, always making sure that he knew what was going on with his daughter.

"Have fun!" Mr Duffey called out before the front door slammed shut. Mr Duffey only saw the two kids holding hands once more.


Richie and Lola sat quietly in the crowd on Stanley's bar mitzvah. They watched as their friend, with his hair gelled to his head, turned back to the crowd. He was explaining what he had read from the torah when his words made Lola's ears prick up.

"When you're a kid, you think that you'll always be... protected, and cared for. Then, one day, you realize that's not true. If you open your eyes, you will see what we're going through. 'Cause when you're alone as a kid, the monsters see you as weaker. You don't even know they're getting closer. Until it's too late," he looked to his friends, his father trying to rip the microphone from his grasp, causing him to walk down the stairs, "and difference, is apart of growing up."

"Stanley..." his father says from behind him.

"Becoming an adult is not about...being able to vote, or being able to drink or drive. Becoming an adult, according to the scripture of Derry, is learning not to give a shit!" the microphone squeaks as it fell to the floor.. Richie rose from his seat, slowly clapping for Stanley with a wide stupid grin on his face. He felt a hand grasp on his before he clapped again. Lola had a smile from ear to ear. One of her best friend's stood up for them finally and what they had been through. She pulled him through the crowded isle and out to where Stan stood. Her dress hit his legs as she ran in front of him. Not once did they let go of each other's hands.


His hand held onto hers tightly as they reached her doorstep.

"Thank you for the great time Richard," she smiled sweetly before kissing his cheek gently.

His stomach swarmed with butterflies, a red blush pulling on his cheek. Turning the door handle, the door opened to the sight of Mr Duffey lying on the floor unconscious. The young girl's heart seemed to stop. She screamed at the top of her lungs, making Richie turn to rush from the footpath in the front of her house to inside, seeing Lola shaking her father's body.


He ran to the man's side and placed his fingers directly on Mr Duffey's neck. Nothing. He was out cold. Richie's arms wrapped around Lola frame and dragged her away from the body, her tears falling onto his blue suit.


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