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She could hear the phone ringing, but her body didn't move like her brain wanted it to. In fact, it didn't move at all. Lola heard the voice of her father downstairs and the scared tone in his voice. He never was scared. Richie moved on the other side of the bed, reaching for his shirt. Lola didn't mind that Richie slept with no shirt on. He had done it many times before. He slipt it over his head and looked over at Lola, lying comfortably on the bed. She looked so perfect to him, her dirty blonde hair draped over the pillow gently and her eyes still gently shut. She was like a princess. To Richie anyways. Richie shuffled down the stairs to her father that stood in the kitchen, back pressed against the wall. He held the phone out for Richie to take. And he did, gently putting it to his ear. After what happened to Lola and the picture, he was a bit shaken up.

"Hello?" his voice was a bit quiet but clearly heard.

"R-Richie? Is th-that you?" Bill Denbrough. Of course.

"Yeah it's me."

"What ar-are you doing over at L-L's? Y-your daily sl-sleepover?" he integrated.

"I didn't want her to be alone after yesterday. And why do you care anyways? Why are you calling Lola?" jealousy rose in his chest. Why would Big Bill be calling Lola?


"It is a gift!" Richie called out after the losers who climbed Beverly's apartment stairs. It was just him and Lola now, but Richie wasn't going to complain. They sat against the brick wall of the apartment. It hadn't been this silent between the two in a very long time. It's usually Richie making dirty jokes or comments, but of course Lola was the quiet one out of the duo.

"You okay sunshine?" his eyes held onto her. Richie's jacket covering her whole top half, even her hands. Who wears a jacket in almost 30 degree weather?!

"Yeah I'm okay, just thinking," it was silent for another minute. Richie just listened to the summer air, the sound of wind through trees and the children screaming with excitement. That was until Lola changed her position to sitting cross legged next to Richie, facing directly to him. She's a little kid I swear.

"What did you say to the losers when you talked about me?" her fists rested underneath her chin, interest in her eyes and smile, "like did you tell them, "oh this British girl that's a complete loser"?"

He pushed his glasses back against his face.

"I told them, 'I met this amazing girl. A girl from a different country and whose voice is beautiful. We're best friends. I know everything about this girl. I know her favourite colour, I know her favourite food, I know what makes her scared and I know what helps her sleep at night. I know everything about this girl. And I've learnt so much from this girl too," she looked at him in awe, mouth agape as he stared at the sky and talked about the girl like it wasn't even her, "I learnt that some have been through the worst that can't be undone. And that words hurt. And that sunshines can't always be bright," he finally looked down at the girl, tears streaming down her cheeks. She had been doing a lot of crying in the last few days. Richie pulled her into his lap, like she was as light as a feather, "and I learn that she is the most important thing to ever happen to me," he was crying by now too, "and I don't want to lose her."

She looked up into his eyes, wiping away the tears with her sleeve, "you mean that?"

He wiped his own from underneath his glasses, "one hundred percent sunshine."

It grew silent as they only stared at each other. Until somebody let out a awkward cough. They rushed apart, seeing the rest of the losers with smirks and smiles.

"Aa-are you t-two done or d--do you w-want us to come ba-back later?"

"Come back later so I can get laid."

"Richard Tozier!"


The screaming.

But it wasn't screaming of fear.

It was of pain.

Lola's ears pricked at the sound of a young boy's scream. She hopped off the still bike of Richie Tozier and walked towards the broken delivery bike and Belch's car parked on the side of the street. The losers continued to talk, not realizing that Lola had disappeared into the tree opening. Until, Richie realized the empty spot behind him and the warmth on his back had disappeared.

"Where's Lola?" he looked from left to right and looked at each of the people in front of him, kids shrugging and starting to panic as well.

"Don't worry Richie, she just probably walked off like she usually does," Eddie spoke, getting a glare from the glasses wearing boy.

Each kids began to walk down the street and shouting out for the girl. Richie walked towards the tree opening and saw Lola standing in front of the small river, a small stream flowing.

"L!" he rushed towards her and grabbed hold of her hand, "don't do that sunshine, you scared the shit out of me."

Her eyes still held on Henry Bowers that lifted a rock over top of his head, ready to drop on Mike Hanlon's any minute.

"Hey!" it left her throat with hesitation.

Bowers ugly head reared towards the two kids standing with their hands in each other's.

"Well well well. If it isn't trashmouth and sexy Lola Duffey," he grabbed a hold of his crotch and rubbed it hard. Richie moved Lola behind him, "oh little Richie protecting his girlfriend. Well Lola isn't very innocent, are you sunshine?"

Richie turned to her and saw the clear tears rolling down her cheeks. His hand squeezed tighter to hers.

"It's because you raped her you monster!" he yelled as he threw a rock against his head.

A war began between the rival groups. And for once, the smaller people won.

"Welcome to the losers club home schooled."

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