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"Holy shit."

They were the first words that left Lola's lips as he saw the walls of Ben's room, covered in the research of the Derry missing kids. It would be a lie to say she wasn't scared. She never thought that something so big would happen in a town her and her friends called home. The desks were covered with projector slides, Bill holding them up into the sun to see them. Richie grabbed hold of Lola's hand, slightly walking towards one of the walls filled with the papers and posters. She was confused, but mostly scared.

"Cool uh?" Ben asked, looking at his new friends shocked faces.

"No, nothing cool about it," Richie spoke up, "oh that looks cool. Oh no, no it's not."

Lola drifted away, taken into her thoughts while her grip on Richie's hand lightened. And Richie didn't like the feeling left in his hand. His gut told him something was wrong, that something was going to happen to Lola. As they continued to talk about Ben's research and Richie continued to say his trashmouth comments, Lola looked deeper into the contents of the wall. A photo on the wall pulled her in, it's black and white print taking her interest. She looked at the people's faces, till the face of the clown she had nightmares of as a child looked back at her, a devilish look in it's eyes that stared into her hazel brown ones. Her breathing began to fasten as she stood away, franticly grabbing hold of the closest person to her. That person being Richie.

"What's wrong sunshine?" he asked confused, grabbing hold of her shaky hand.

"T-the clown. In the picture," she stuttered. It felt as if she couldn't breathe by now. Richie pulled her closer into his chest to calm her, his chin resting on the top of her head as she listened to his words.

"It's okay. You're gonna be okay. I won't let it get you."

Instantly, she felt safe.


Richie looked over at Lola as she sat quietly on the couch while he filled up a glass of water. She hadn't spoken a word since Ben's house, a few hours ago now. Mr Duffey stood next to the boy, his eyes on his daughter, confused on what Richie just told him.

"Wait, so she freaked out about a picture of a clown?" he asked the boy, for what was like the millionth time.

"She said it was like the one in her nightmares," they both stared at Lola, who had now fallen asleep in Richie's Hawaiian shirt, "would it be okay if I stayed the night Mr Duffey?" he didn't want to leave Lola.

"You're always welcome Richie," he gently hit the young boy's arm playfully, "you take care of my baby girl and you make sure she's safe, what more could I ask for?"

Richie gently smiled at the older man before walking over to Lola. Mr Duffey had seen Richie at his worst, battered and beaten by his own parents, showing up at the Duffey doorstep for any kind of comfort possible. And Lola gave that to him. He remembered the blood travelling down the boy's face mixing with the tears, the broken in half glasses in his trembling hands and the way he sobbed out his daughter's name, like a last cry for help. Mr Duffey knew what Richie was feeling for his daughter, but being a thirteen young boy once before, knowing the same feeling of fear. He grabbed his coat and keys off the kitchen table and walked over to the two kids, kneeling down to the same level as them both. Richie sat on the floor next to the lounge that held a sleeping Lola.

"I gotta go to work. Are you two going to be alright?" he whispered as he stroked the blonde hair away from Lola's forehead.

"Yeah I'll take care of her."

"I know you will," he left a gently kiss on her forehead and ruffled Richie's hair, making it slightly curl.

As the door shut behind Mr Duffey, Lola moved around, tightening her eyes shut.

"Richard?" she whispered.

He grabbed hold of her hand that hung loss over the side of the lounge.

"I'm here sunshine. I'm here."

"Can you come up here? Please?"
He jumped from his spot and laid carefully behind Lola, a arm wrapping around her waist. That vanilla scent.

"Anything for you."

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