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The group of kids swarmed into the middle of the street. Eddie's car disappeared out of sight, leaving the club quiet. Silently, Lola turned to Bill, the leftover tears staining her face. He looked down at the girl, her arm covered in blood, tears covering her cheeks and her dirty and knotty hair spreading everywhere.

"L-Lola I'm so-" he was cut of by Lola's hand, slapping his cheek harshly. His eyes slowly filled with tears as he rubbed his hand over the red cheek. The other losers hung their jaws open, shocked at the harshness that could come from such a small girl.

"You did this. You killed him," she spoke strongly though tears fell down her cheeks. The Denbrough boy looked at her with guilt in his eyes, "You are the reason he is dead," she whimpered.

Without another word, she began to run down the middle of the streets to the shouts of the losers she left behind.


The door of the Duffey household flew open and slammed shut as Lola rushed in. The tears hadn't stopped and she felt weak. Mr Duffey rose from his spot at the kitchen table and walked towards his daughter, careful but cautious.

"Baby Girl, what happened?"

Her sobs still flew in the air that surrounded them both, her hands resting on her forehead in panic and her chest heaved up and down quickly.

"I-It's Richard Papa," her sobs interrupted her. She couldn't bring herself to say those dreadful words, "he's gone."

Mr Duffey's eyes grew wide and mouth dropped agape. Richie Tozier had now gone missing and his daughter was losing it.

"I don't know what to do Papa," he wrapped his arms tightly around her small frame, his head placed on top of her head as his own tears cascaded, "I just want Richard to be home with me."

Her sobs grew louder, if that was even possible. Mr Duffey laid kisses gently atop of her head and whispered over and over 'it's okay'. Lola just couldn't believe that it was.

"H-he told me he loved me Papa."

Mr Duffey let out a smile, "he loves you too baby girl, I know it."

The Duffey's continued to stand in the entrance to their home as Richie Tozier wrapped his arms around himself, stumbling around the dark and dirty sewers. His shirt was ripped, the Hawaiian shirt on his shoulders missing, and his hair now curly and messy. His arms and legs were scraped and bloody.

"Lola!?! Bill!! Eddie?!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs as he turned corner after corner, running out of breath quickly.

He fell to his knees in tears and sat in the disgusting grey water. Not caring and not giving a single fuck. He just wanted go home, he wanted to be with his girl. A chuckle caused him to quickly spin around still on his knees.

"Beep beep Richie," a voice echoed through the tunnel.

He put his face into his knees and cried. The water on the skin dripping down.

"Just leave me alone," he whimpered, his speaking beginning to grow louder, "I just want to be with her one more time!!"

The giggling grew louder and louder, "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine," Richie sang quietly to himself, shaking, "you make me happy when skies are grey," a shadow of the clown grew bigger on the sewer wall, "you'll never know dear, how much I love you," his tears continued to fall from his eyes underneath the broken glasses, just thinking of the smile of Lola Duffey, 

"please don't take my sunshine away."

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