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There was only seven signatures on Lola's cast. She only let the losers sign her leg cast, seeing what Gretta had down to Eddie's arm. Both of her legs hung over Richie's lap and, of course, one of his famous Hawaiian shirts hung over her shoulders. But all attention was upon Beverly, who was still traumatized of her experience with the demon called 'pennywise the dancing clown'.

"I can only remember parts, but I thought I was dead, that's what it felt like," Beverly stared down at her hands that stuck together, "I saw us together, we were older. Maybe, our parents ages..."

"W-what were we doing?" it was a question on all their lips but Bill was the one to speak.

"I just remember how we all felt...how scared we were, I don't think I'll ever forget that..." she mumbled.

Lola hugged onto Richie's arm while they stared down in silence. Richie knew that she was overthinking everything that had happened to them. It was her specialty. He rubbed her arm gently and turned his head to place a gentle kiss upon her head, before leaning his head upon her's. All was silent for a moment, almost morning their summer. That was before Bill stood with a piece of glass in his hand.

"Swear it," his hand was shaking and all eyes were on him, "swear that if IT isn't dead, if it ever comes back, that we come back to."

Lola smiled up at Bill, at the fact that her closest friend didn't stutter one word. And with that, one by one, all the Loser's stood. Lola with the help of Richie of course. Bill took Richie's first, cutting into his left hand while he hissed in pain, but Lola grabbed onto his waist and placed her head into the crook of his neck. Next was Lola's turn, the glass cutting into her hand as she saw the crimson blood flow from her pale skin, but she still whimpered, and Richie held her waist like she did his. One by one, each Loser's hand was cut and their hands bleed with the red blood that would soon connect them all. Each member reached out and grabbed hold of the hand of the other. Eddie had to look away before grabbing hold of Lola's hand. They stood their for a minute, complete with the crickets in the background, till their hands dropped back to their sides.

"I hate you," Stan spoke with venom on his lips before it turned into a smile. Everybody giggled along with him, "I'll see you later."

And with that Stanley Uris left. Nobody knew that he would be the first to leave them as well twenty seven years later. Eddie left next, after a hug from both Lola and Richie. But then Mike had to go, soon followed by Ben. But when Lola and Richie had to leave, Lola wouldn't let Beverly go.

"Sunshine come on. We gotta go," Richie held onto her crutches while she held Beverly in a tight hug.

"But I'm not gonna see Beverly again," her voice in a whimper, as if she was starting to cry.

"I'll come back L. I promise," the red head smiled down at the smaller girl as she was peeled away by Richie.

And with that, they both walked, well Lola hobbeling, down the path and back to reality.


"What do you think is going to happen now Richard?" Lola spoke to fill the silence that surrounded them both.

"What do you mean?"
"What if...what if something happens to any of us? What if...it comes back earlier than we thought?" her voice raised with panic and the panic caused Richie to stop in his tracks.

"Sunshine..." she stopped as well and took a few steps back to where Richie placed his feet, "what has happened this summer...will never happen again...to you or to any of the other losers," his hand slipped behind her hair and clenched a fist full of her blonde locks, "I swear with all my heart, I will protect you till I die. For real this time."

She hit his arm playfully while he let out a toothy grin. They had never been this happy before. They smiled as they pulled each other into a hug, and they smiled as they started to walk back to the Tozier household. That was till they both heard two voices screaming Richie's name. And they both turned to see the red head of hair bouncing with every step that she took, along with the boy that now had blood upon his cheek.

"Richie we have something to tell you," their breath was uneven and odd, as like they ran the whole way here, "and it's important."

"Then what is it?" he spoke with an almost 'duh' looking face.

"I-it needs to be b-b-between the three of us R-Rich," they all turned to Lola but she was already walking away.


"It's okay Richard. I'll wait for you at the quarry," she sent a smile before continuing to hobble away.

Richie turned back to his best friends and they knew by the look on his face that they were in trouble, that look of anger. That look of protection.

"You two better start talking or I swear to god-"

"Lola wasn't there," Beverly cut him off quickly and without thought.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" his eyebrows knitted together. What is going on with my sunshine?

"That vision I had, the vision of us down in the sewers," Richie's brain stopped working, and his eyes glossed over. He was no longer listening, but he knew what they were talking about,

"She wasn't there."

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