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Her hands held onto his suit jacket, eyes streaming tears and her body shook. The glasses on his face bounced with the police lights and ambulances. It was almost blinding to look at.

"Please Richard," he held his hands on the jacket around her shoulders, the only thing keeping her warm, "please Richard I don't want to go."

Richie's eyes looked up and around at the people surrounding the Duffey household. Then, his eyes re-laid on the blonde haired, brown eyed girl in front of him, completely broken.

"Lola, I need you to go with him," she needed to go with Bill, just for the night. But she wanted to stay with the only person that could make her happy at a time like this, "please just stay with the Denbroughs. For one night. Listen baby," both their eyes were glossy as they stared into each other, "I need you to stay safe. The only way I can do that is for you to stay with someone I would trust with my life."


His hands cupped her cheeks, his thumb rubbing it softly, "I promise you, if you need anything, I'll race over in a heartbeat."

Her lips slightly quivered and the gloss she wore that afternoon shone, like Richie lips were never there. But however, Richie placed his lips on her gentle ones, a tender kiss with love and passion in every movement. He pulled her away even if he didn't want to, his hands still laying on her puffy cheeks.

"Ready to go?" Richie spoke with a smirk, trying to make her laugh once again. But she kept her iconic sad face.

"Come on sunshine, you got to go. Mr and Mrs Denbrough are waiting for you."

She only nodded. Lola walked towards the open arms of Bill Denbrough, her boyfriend Richard Tozier watching with hurt in his eyes as she walked away. He knew that it was for the best, but nobody knows what could occur in one night.


Bill fluffed the pillow before placing it gently above the sleeping bag on the ground. Lola stood in the doorway, arms wrapped around her body like she wanted it to be Richie's. And she wore one of Bill's flannels. She was small enough for it to hang to her knees. She was in a daze.

"U-umm yo-you can take m-my bed if you w-want to," Bill stood and dusted his hands against his pyjama pants.

"No, no it's fine. I can sleep of the floor."

Silence as they got into bed, they didn't really talk much at all.



"I-I'm sorry for t-the way I-I acted. I was s-s-stupid-"

She sat up to look at him turned to his side in her direction.

"Bill, none of this was your fault," her eyes looked down at the ground, "and I should be the one apologizing anyways."

"F-for what?"

"For hitting you, for yelling at you constantly and for just..." they made eye contact with each other once again, "for just being a bad friend."

"You ma-make Richie happier. T-that's all I-I ask."

They both laid back down and stared up at the ceiling.

"Thanks Denbrough."

"N-no worries Duffey."


Richie didn't knock, he banged against the Denbrough front door, worry in his body. Bill rubbed his eyes from sleep and stumbled towards the door. Richie continued to bang.

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