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One by one, their spit hit the water down below. Except for Eddie, his dripping only centimetres away from where his feet were planted.

"Oh my god, that was terrible. I win!!" Richie called out, still having hold on Lola's hand.

"You won?!"

"Yeah mine went the farthest!" Richie snapped back. He could feel Lola's grip on loosen, causing him to take her in a side hug under his arm. She gently lent her head on his shoulder, releasing a real smile. She loved the butterflies in her stomach.

"It's mass. It's always been mass."

"What?! What is mass?!"

"If it's green and gross or huge and slimy," Eddie's reasoning was horrible.

But it caused Richie to stop the pointless bickering. His arm still held onto Lola's arms. She still wore her yellow sundress, not wanting to present her body to the boys. Even though she had gone swimming with them a million times before.

"Who's first?" Bill pronounced, making their eyes stare into the water below. But a soothing voice distracted them. Beverly Marsh.

"I'll go!" she placed her bike down and ripped off her dress, revealing her bra and underwear. Of course the boys were staring. Except for Richie. He was staring down at Lola.

"Sissies," Beverly spoke with a grin as she jumped off the rocky cliff into the water.

"What the fuck?!" Richie shouted his arm dropping from around Lola. There was a tingling feeling where his hand laid now, "Holy shit, we just got showed up by a girl!"

"Do we have to do that now?" Stan asked. You could hear the fear in his voice as he spoke. Somebody, possibly Eddie, answered with a slight 'yes'.

Lola was scared. She had never jumped before, but now that Beverly did it, she felt as if she had to. As Bill jumped down into the water, Lola grabbed hold of Richie's arm, his hand automatically being placed on top of hers.

"You okay sunshine?"

The rest jumped into the water, till it was only the two of them standing on top of the rocky cliff.

"I don't know if I can jump Richard," he listened to his name roll off of her British tongue. It sounded perfect to him.

"It's easy sunshine. You just run and jump," he cracked a smile. He knew what she meant. But the joker in his mind found the opportunity to joke.

"That's not what I meant Richard. I'm serious. I'm too scared. But I have to jump now that Beverly did," her eyes didn't dare to make eye contact with his. She didn't want to see the disappointment in his stare.

"COME ON GUYS! WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG?!" they heard Stan's yells from the water, causing Lola to look away from the cliff's edge.

"SHE'S SCARED OKAY?! CALM YOUR TITS!" Richie shouted down, then returned to Lola. He grabbed hold of her chin and turned her head to him. There were tears in her hazel eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. It's gonna be okay," he wiped his thumb under her eyes. Neither of them cared that Richie was only standing in his tighty whities, "you don't have to be the same as Marsh. Have you heard who she's done? The list is longer than my wang," she giggled at his dick joke. They always made her laugh, "I wouldn't want my sunshine to be the same as someone else. Because I love my sunshine the way that you are," her eyes were still glossy, but with happiness, for once, "now are you going to take this dress off and jump in with me or am I gonna have to rip it off you and throw you in? And I don't want to rip this dress because it's my favourite on you," he smiled at her smile. She gently took off the dress, revealing her black bra and underwear. Richie's eyes widened a bit and held his hands in front of his 'area'.

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