Chapter 6| In His Room

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Sana and Alishba were still cracking their heads, with Mathematics this time. They sat on the bed facing each other. Books, papers scattered all over the bed. Sana held her head and groaned while Alishba scratched her notepad angrily.

'I wish I can time travel.' Sana said, annoyed. Alishba nodded. Just then there was a knock at the door.

'Come in.' Alishba called and the door opened. Alishba's mother, Aasma entered the room carrying a tray of cups and some snacks. The girls eyed the food hungrily. Aasma smiled placing the tray on the bed next to the girl.

'Wow, Aunty.'

'Thanks, Mum.' Alishba said happily. Aasma smiled warmly as the girls almost pounced on the food.

Sana loves Mrs. Ali's cooking. The biscuits she munched on was freshly baked by her. Though Mr. Ali was a strict father and conservative, he was a very loving husband. He always encouraged his wife and his children. Sana always admired the happy family, also she feels very envious. In her own family, Sana feels like an outsider. She frowned and pushed back the thought.

'What are you girls so mad about?' Aasma sat beside her daughter and picked up the textbook. Alishba and Sana groaned.

'Mathematics.' Sana replied picking up the cup of tea. Alishba picked up her cup and spoke to her mother about the very difficult concept they were rattling their brain for over an hour. Aasma got slightly worried when the girls informed her about their exams.

'Next week?'- Her eyes widened, - 'And you girls are being so cool.' She shifted on the bed. Alishba and Sana glanced at each other, their jaws dropped.

'Good, Daanish is here. You girls can take help from him.' Aasma suggested. Sana grinned but she hid her lips with the tea-cup.

Alishba jumped on the bed, - 'Yes, Mom. Great Idea.' – She looked at her friend, - 'Why didn't we think of this earlier?'

Sana nodded pretending to be surprised, - 'Yes.' She then took a bite of the biscuit to hide her smile.


Sana felt excited as the girls stood outside Daanish's room. Carrying the heavy weight of the books didn't bother Sana as she waited for him to open the door. She had always seen the door to the room closed. Hardly, he used to ever come out. Now, after so many years she was going to see his room, for the first time. Strangely, she felt all this very thrilling. Then, the door opened.

Daanish opened the door and looked at the girls. Sana inhaled seeing him changed into his casuals – Yellow vest and checked Bermuda shorts. She looked at his slight biceps and gulped. He blinked at them.

'Bhai. We need help.' Alishba said forwarding the books she held. Daanish looked at the books and smiled.

'Of course, little sister. Come in.' He held the door and stepped aside. Alishba entered first. As Sana passed by Daanish she felt nervous and nearly dropped her books.

'Oops.' Daanish exclaimed grabbing the books. Sana bit her tongue. He managed to grab only one of the three books that fell from her arms.

'Sorry.' Sana apologized for looking at him.

He smiled. 'No problem.' He picked up rest of the books as well.

Sana extended her hand for the books, but he shook his head and gestured her to come in. Sana nodded and lowered her gaze entering the room.

Daanish's room was sober, no loud colors or posters stuck to the walls. A single bed in the center of the room beside which was a side-table, placed on it was water bottle and a pile of books. Left to the bed was a cupboard, right was a study table. More books, a laptop, and a landline phone. The study table had many racks, filled with entrance exam books and other thick books. Sana felt her head spin by just looking at them.

'Come.' Alishba's voice brought Sana back to reality. She noticed Daanish has left the room. As the girls walked towards the table, Sana's gaze fell on his messy bed. His shirt and pants lying sprawled on the bed. Sana blushed.

Soon, Daanish arrived with two chairs. He placed them next to the chair in front of the study table. He pulled out the chairs for the girls. They sat together. Sana was slightly disappointed because Alishba sat between them. Sana kept quiet as Alishba spoke about the tough topic.

'This is not only Mathematics, there are Physics and Chemistry as well.' She pouted and blinked at her brother.

'Aww...' Daanish smiled and pinched Alishba's cheek. Involuntarily, Sana held her cheek too.


Oh-ho, so Sana is in Daanish's room for the first time *winks* Bachi ke maan mein kitne laddo phot rahe hai *winks* *winks*

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