Chapter 72| Scars of the Past

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In the kitchen Saba narrated everything about Sana's childhood and her anger on Mr. and Mrs. Shah. Daanish listened intently and after Saba finished, he remained silent for a while. Then he said, - 'This is wrong.' – Saba nodded, - 'Sana should talk it out with her parents or at least one of them should.' Daanish said while rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Saba nodded again. The two began to think of a way when someone cleared their throat.

Sana stood by the door with her arms folded across her chest, - 'What important discussion is happening here?' She inquired, eyeing them.

'Nothing.' Both Daanish and Saba said in unison. Then, he walked up to his wife and held her shoulder. Without another word, he took her with him. Sana glanced back at Saba before walking out of the kitchen with Daanish.


Later in the night, Sana and Daanish sat on the bed next to each other. Daanish was propped up on his elbow and looking at Sana while she removed her bangles.

'Okay.' She sighed arranging the bangles, - 'Now, I am going to change.' She said flipping her hair. She placed her palm on the bed but before she could get up Daanish held her wrist and she froze. She blushed thinking Daanish was in a naughty mood again.

'Sana.' He called.

'Hmm.' She replied not turning around. Daanish tugged her arm.

'Look at me.' He said softly. Sana nodded and shifted turning to look at him. Shyly, she looked up at him. He looked back, seriously. Something about his expressions didn't seem right.

'Sana, I think you should talk it out with your parents.' He said, and Sana's smile disappeared instantly.

She frowned and freed her hand from his grip.

'Daanish it is getting late. You go to sleep.' She said turning around. She removed her dupatta and placed it on the bed. Then she got up.

'But Sana-'

'Daanish!' –She began sternly, - 'This is my personal matter and I would appreciate if you stay away.' She said. Daanish stiffened upon hearing her statement. Sana turned around. Daanish leaped from the bed and hurried to her. Sana gasped when he held her hand.

'What did you say? Your personal matter?' – He looked annoyed. Sana gulped but doesn't break the eye-contact.

'I am your husband and you are my wife. We don't have personal matters between us.' -His expression softened, - 'I am concerned for you, Sana. I can't see you miserable.' – He moved his hand and cupped her face with his palms, - 'You are miserable without them. That is why I want you to-'

Sana looked at him helplessly and shook her head. Daanish held her face tighter and stared into her eyes, - 'Sana.' He said firmly. Looking into his gentle eyes, slowly Sana nodded.


Daanish informed her that Mr. Shah will be found in the lawn. Though, she had agreed Sana was having second thoughts as she stepped into the garden area. She saw Mr. Shah sitting on one of the white plastic chairs. Sana pulled up the sleeves of her cotton nightwear and took a deep breath.

'Hey!' She said pulling the other plastic chair. Mr. Shah looked up. He was startled upon seeing Sana come up to him on her own.

'Hey.' He shifted in his seat. Sana felt awkward and contemplated running away. But she knew Daanish would send her back and to avoid that, she sat beside her stepfather.

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