Chapter 28| The Critique

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Outside the building, Mrs. Wilson welcomed them. Sana introduced them. Daanish greeted the elderly woman politely while Nadia was little dry with her. Though Sana didn't like her tone she doesn't say anything. Mrs. Wilson led them inside. Silently the trio followed.

Mrs. Wilson unlocked the door, wooden green door with a golden doorknob. She pushed open the door and entered. The lights switched on revealing a narrow pathway. They walked through the small pathway leading to the living room. Unlike Sana's, the living room wasn't that big, but it was cozy. There was even a fireplace facing the double leather brown sofa, next to the double sofa there was a mustard recliner chair. In between, there was a small glass coffee table. There was a beautiful mat under it. Next, to the living room, there was an open kitchen and small white dining table with two chairs. The flooring was beautiful with white marbles. Next, to the kitchen, there was a long glass window. It was closed with white blinds. Beautiful curtains on either side of the window. Nadia walked around the house noting everything very closely. She even felt the material of everything. Daanish looked irritated as well.

'I just need a home to live but Nadia.' Daanish whispered to Sana.

She smiled folding her arms, - 'Good luck finding home after marriage.' She looked at him. He looked helpless and she grinned at him.

Following the living room was the bedroom. Unlike Sana's cozy and tiny bedroom this was comparatively big with a double bed in the center.

There was a wardrobe to the right of the bed and a small window to the left of the bed. It was closed with white blinds. There was an inbuilt bathroom. Nadia opened the blinds and peeped out, she touched the wardrobe and walked into the bathroom. Sana glanced at Daanish, he blinked slowly at her. She shifted and looked front. Even Mrs. Wilson seemed slightly negative.


After Nadia had done all the inspections, everyone walked into the living room.

'So? Did you like it?' Mrs. Wilson asked. Sana looked at Daanish and Nadia expectantly.

Nadia shook her head and was about to say something when Daanish interrupted her.

'The house is great, Mrs. Wilson.' Daanish said politely. Sana suppressed her smile. Nadia looked visibly miffed.

'Daanish.' She held his arm. Daanish looked at her and smiled.

'Nadia,' – He looked at Mrs. Wilson and Sana and continued, - 'One moment please.' He then held Nadia's hand and took her to a corner. Sana watched them talk. Nadia wasn't happy but Daanish seemed to explain her something. Sana wished she could hear what they were speaking.

A minute later, Daanish and Nadia walked towards them. Guessing from Daanish's smile Sana knew that this house was almost finalized.

'Mrs. Wilson, I like the house. Let us proceed to other formalities?' He said, and Mrs. Wilson smiled brightly. Sana was relieved. She looked at Nadia, she had her arms folded and kept looking at the side. Sana smirked.

Mrs. Wilson nodded and led Daanish towards the dining table where she had kept all the papers. Nadia looked at Sana before dropping her arms and following them to the table.


'We could have gotten a better house.' Nadia commented once the formalities were done and Mrs. Wilson had left. Sana shifted in her seat.

'Oh, come on, Nadia.' – Daanish extended his hand and held her palm, - 'What is wrong with the house?'

'It is just-', Nadia looked around, - 'Not your standards.' She said.

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