Chapter 44| The Love-Birds

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Two weeks passed like a blink of an eye. Daanish was super happy. Finally, the bandage was off his feet and now he can walk properly. Sana watched as the doctor removed the bandage and held his feet. He made it move little, Daanish winced but also said the pain had reduced a lot. Dr. Andrew turned to Sana and advised some physio. He showed her some simple physio to do to reduce the pain. Sana listened attentively taking mental notes of everything. After that, Dr. Andrew announced that Daanish was good to go. This time, Daanish doesn't let Sana pay. He was adamant, and Sana let him have fun.

Daanish was still limping little as they stepped out. For at least, one-week Daanish was supposed to wear only flip-flops.

'So? Wanna eat Samosas from Kapoors and Sons?' Sana asked. When he looked at her, she grinned.

Daanish smiled, - 'Okay.'

'Great, we will pack some for Nanu.' Sana said and Daanish nodded. Sana called for the cab. This time Daanish didn't have much trouble getting into the car. He was crutch free too. Silently, they drove to the Indian Restaurant.


Back home, Nanu was happy tasting Indian Samosas and complimented Sana's choice. Sana smiled acknowledging her compliments. Then, she took their leave and left for work. She first went back to her apartment, got her things and left the place. As usual, she took the public bus for work.

'Hey!' Emma greeted her as she passed by the reception. Sana paused and turned around. She smiled and walked confidently towards the reception desk.

'Hey.' She replied placing an arm on the desk and smiling widely at Emma. Emma looked slightly taken aback.

'Is everything alright? How is your friend?' Emma inquired.

'Better.' Sana replied with her chin slightly raised. Emma looked impressed.

'No wonder someone is so happy.' She winked at Sana.

Sana shook her head, smiling and then turned around. That day Sana was able to give her hundred percent in her work. She received calls from Alishba thanking her for being with Daanish. She also mentioned Nanu was all praises for her and everyone at home was super impressed with her. Sana blushed. She was happy to know Daanish's family likes her but also, she was slightly worried as they might try to fix her up with Ramiz. The thought always makes Sana shudder.


'Don't do it.'

'But Physio is necessary.'

'Still, I won't let you touch my feet.'

'Shut up, Daanish. Stop being so stubborn.'

'I will do it myself.'


Daanish looked sternly at her and Sana sighed. She raised her arms in the air, - 'Fine.' Then she folded her arms and leaned on her right foot watching Daanish leaned forward. He had good flexibility and easily managed to touch his feet and move it. He looked up at Sana and smirked.

She looked on. Just then,

TRING ... TRING ....

'I will get it.' Nanu called from the living room. Daanish gestured Sana to go see who was at the door. She nodded and walked out of the room.

Sana paused on seeing Nadia enter the living room. She dragged with her, her luggage. She dropped it by the recliner and hurried to Sana. She held her shoulders.

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