Chapter Fourteen

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(Katrina's P.O.V.) 

I hadn't talked to Harry in two weeks. Not once. I refused. Louis and I were acting like nothing had happened and Niall seemed to agree that Harry had been an ass to me.

I went to the gym to meet Val and Liam. I got in there and the door shut quickly behind me. It was dark and I couldn't see a thing. "What's going on?" I shouted.


Oh God no. "Harry?" I spat. "What's going on?"

"How the hell should I know?"

"Um, I don't know, you're in this room I figured you might know something," I said. Before he could respond, Liam spoke from outside.

"We aren't letting you out until you work this out. All of us agreed," he said.

"Louis!" I yelled in indignation. He'd agreed to this?

"Oh, of course. Ask your boyfriend," Harry said scathingly.

"You're an ass Harry."

"You're a tease," he shot back. I rolled my eyes.

"At least I know how to take rejection!"

"Only because you get it all the time."

"As if you weren't begging for me," I snapped. He didn't have an answer. I felt along the wall and hit the lights. Harry squinted at the light and then looked me in the eye and I saw a mixture of emotions.

"Nice to see you, Haz," I said sarcastically.

"Wish I could say the same, Kat."

We glared at each other in silence. I folded my arms across my chest and sat down, back against the wall. He was sitting on a stool, glowering at anything that wasn't me.

After ten minutes it was unbearable. But I would not speak first. Harry let out a huge sigh and looked at me. "Look, they're not letting us out until we figure this out, so let's just try. Okay? I'm gonna have to pee soon."

"Fine. You go first. Hit me with all you've got," I said. "I deserve it."

"What do you mean?"

I rolled my eyes. "I've had two weeks, Harry. You don't think that in that time I've realized I'm a complete bitch?"

"You're not a bitch," he said, taking me by surprise.

"That's a good one."

"I wouldn't like a bitch."

(Harry's P.O.V.)

Why did I say that? I put my head down. Well I might as well go all in now.

"You want to hear it all?" I asked. She nodded. I got off my stool and sat down in front of her.

"Okay. It all started when we met. You hated me, which just made me want you. I am Harry Styles, I can get any girl. But then Louis started to like you, as did Niall -"

"Niall?" she asked. I nodded.

"God, you are one oblivious girl, Katrina. Anyway, it became more of a race for me to see who could get you first. I'll admit, at first I was just in it to prove something. But I really fell for you, Katrina. And you completely shut me down. Three times. And suddenly Louis's available and you two start snogging?"

Katrina coughed and looked down. "Would it help if I told you I was horny?"

I resisted the urge to laugh. She smiled weakly. "Look, Harry. The whole crap about not wanting to ruin it and still live with you was just an excuse. I didn't want to ruin our friendship. And I couldn't admit to myself that I like you. That concept was too horrible -"

"You like me?" I asked.

"That's not what I said," she said quickly.

"Yes you did."

"Look, this isn't really the question right now," she said. I glared at her.

"I'm pretty sure that's the only question I'm interested in. You think I shagged a girl at the club because I liked her? No. It was because I liked you and I wanted you to get jealous."

She stared at me in complete disbelief. "Harry, you fucked a random because you like me? WHAT KIND OF SICK PERSON DOES THAT?"

Not the thing to say.

She stood up without a word and walked around the training room. Then, out of nowhere, she kicked the mirrored wall.

"Katrina!" I shouted in surprise. The mirror shattered and she clutched her foot, falling on some of the broken pieces. I ran over and picked her up and brought her to the side.

"Excuse me," she whispered, holding her foot.

"What the hell was that?" I asked. I didn't see Katrina as the type to just kick mirrors.

"Harry, how about this? We act like that night never happened. We go back to normal. Because to be honest, I missed you. More than I thought I could. And I don't like being mad at you, especially when I was the one who did something wrong."

I stared at her. I was really hurting her. How could I hurt the girl I was in love with?

Did I just say love? Oh no. Oh please God no. I cannot be in love with her. More importantly, I couldn't hurt her like this.

"Sure. Let's pretend it never happened."

(Niall's P.O.V.)

It had been two weeks since Harry and Katrina had "made up." We all had no idea what went down in there, but they acted like everything was normal. Even Louis, you would never guess that he and Katrina had made out and Harry walked in.

We were nearing the end of the summer and September was coming. Katrina came to me one day looking distracted. "Hey Niall. Can I tell you something?" she asked.

"Of course. You can tell me anything," I said. She swallowed.

"Um, Kyle's supposed to die in fifty-four days," she said thickly. Neither of us spoke for a moment. "Can you take me home that week? I...he wants me to be there."

"Yes, I will. And you know what we're going to do now?" I asked. She shook her head. "We're going to make cookies. Because everyone feels better with a cookie and I'm hungry."

She laughed. "Sounds like a plan!" she exclaimed. I pulled her to the kitchen and got out the ingredients.

"I want to crack the eggs!" I said. She held them close to her.

"No way. I am the egg cracker."

I gave her a look and she cracked a smile. "Fine. But only because you're adorable when you make that face."

"Well then I should make that face more often," I said, taking the eggs. I cracked them and she freaked out.


"Whoa. Calm your tits, it's just shell," I told her. She got the shell out and finished making up the batter without my help.

She stared at the bowl. "I just want to eat the dough. Is that bad?" she asked. I laughed and handed her a spoon.

"Not at all. I will help you, my lady," I said formally. She laughed and we ate the dough. She got on her phone and turned on some music. I started laughing when I heard the beat.

"You bought our album!" I accused. She shrugged.

"What can I say? One Direction Infection is taking over. You boys are addictive," she said.

We started dance horribly while eating cookie dough. I spun her in a circle and she giggled. The song ended and she leaned against the wall, breathing hard. She grinned at me.

"Why are you the greatest person I know right now?" she asked jokingly. I shrugged.

"I'm Niall Horan. What can I say?"

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