Chapter Sixteen

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(Kat's P.O.V.)

Niall held my hand as we walked into the hospital. We passed a few of my old friends on the way and they told me he was still conscious. I walked into the room and his parents and sister were in there. They all looked at me.

"Kit-Kat-Bar. You made it," he croaked. He looked like someone who was going to die. My heart ached when he called me my old nickname, he used to say it to me all the time. I could feel the tears streaming down my face but I smiled.

"Of course I did," I said. I could hear the beeping monitor and his shallow breaths. "I'm gonna stay here."

"Until the end?" he asked. I nodded. He turned to his family. "Can I have a minute alone with her?"

They all left and I sat down in the chair beside him. He cleared his throat. "It's weird. I'm here, at the end, and suddenly I'm not scared anymore. I feel invincible. There's nothing that intimidates me anymore. So Kat, I'm sorry. Sorry for hurting you because you were the best thing I'd ever had. But I think you and I are both glad I did because you deserved better. No matter how much I love you. And Kat, don't let my mistake push away other guys. That guy, Neil -"

"Niall," I corrected. He nodded.

"I see the way he looks at you. And you shouldn't ignore that. Also something else I need to fess up to...when we were dating I accidentally killed your fish."

I half laughed, half cried. He tried to move his hand but it was taking a lot of effort, so I grabbed his instead. His weak fingers intertwined through mine and I decided I'd think about what he said later.

After about a minute of silence, I let his family back inside. I sat in the window will with his best friend, Peter. Peter was your average high school jock. I never thought I'd see him cry.

Then again, I never thought I'd see Kyle die.

After an hour he had passed out.

His sister, who was eleven, was in hysterics. I just watched his face fade into something no longer living. The beeping slowed.

And then it was one single, loud note.

And just like that, Kyle was dead.

And just like that, I left the room.

(Harry's P.O.V.)

"Nobody knows why they left?" I shouted.

"Harry, we've been over this. No. They're fine, they'll be back," Valerie said.

"But why did she leave? Niall said something about a guy in a hospital!"

Louis put a hand on my shoulder and sat me down. "Harry, let's stay calm. I'll call Niall now," he said. I nodded. Louis called Niall seven times before he picked up and it was obvious that he wasn't getting anything out of Niall.

Suddenly Louis's face dropped. "What? Her...the one that cheated on her?"

What was going on? She wasn't getting back with her ex, was she?

"Okay, I'll tell them," Louis said. He hung up and walked back over to us.

"Okay, so in the beginning of the summer, Kat's ex, Kyle, got terminal brain cancer. He was supposed to die in October but he just died and that's where Niall and Kat went. She'd only told Niall about it."

We were all left in a shocked silence. They guy that had cheated on Kat just died. "When will they be home?" Val asked.

"Niall said about ten minutes."

We waited in silence for them to come back. I was sitting on the living room table, Louis by the door, Val on the couch with Zayn, and Liam in the kitchen. Nobody spoke; we didn't quite know what to say.

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