An Unexpected Tragedy

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Carlin's POV

Careful not to make any sounds, I stealthily crept along the forest. I turned back to see Rae, Audrey, and Indie. They were still fast asleep. Swallowing hard, I followed the footprints left by Scarlet when she went to retrieve the firewood.

As I neared the edge of the clearing, I peered into the forest. Completely black. I was fortunate to have my vampire night vision. I could only see a few feet in front of me. The trees acted like skeletons, daring me to make a move. It was eerily silent. Too silent...



I took off in less than half a second, speeding towards Scarlet's panicking cries. Despite my sore legs, I pushed through, running faster than I had ever run before. Due to a birth defect, I was unable to use my vampire speed.

I wheezed and panted, tears springing into my eyes as I clawed my way through the thick shrubbery. I'd only known these people for less than a day, yet it seemed like a lifetime.


Come on, you stupid legs. Work! I urged myself to go faster yet it seemed like I was moving in slow motion. Scarlet's cries were getting weaker. Why were they getting weaker? Oh god...someone was taking her away! It could be some sort of monster! Ogre! Even a human!

"SCARLET!" I desperately screamed, hoping she would hear me. I needed her to know that I was coming for her.

A grunting noise coming from behind me filled my ears. It was accompanied by scuffling and sprinting. Something was charging after me.

Don't look behind you. Don't look behind you. Focus. Find Scarlet.

Was I even heading in the right direction? The creature behind me was grunting and panting, catching up to my weary legs. It was getting nearer...nearer.

I wheezed hard and my vision blurred. I could feel myself slowing down. My legs were giving up. I couldn't take it anymore. With hot tears streaming down my face, I collapsed in the dirt. My foot snagged on a twig on my way down and I landed face first on the ground. My mind was a blur. I faintly heard the creature crashing through the foliage.

This is really it, now. This is really how I'm going to die.

And those were my last words before darkness consumed me.
Scarlet's POV

I knew I should've just gotten the firewood and gone back to the clearing. At least there, I would have had protection. But of course, my curious self had to go and investigate that glowing sand. Yes, you read correctly. Glowing. Sand.

My arms were full of heavy logs and I was about to make my way back through the forest, when a bright light caught my eye.

A couple feet away, there was a huge clearing, bedded with bright, blue sand. It was breathtaking. The particles twinkled and lit up the forest, despite being completely dark. I dropped the firewood, my eyes shining.

It was gorgeous. I just wanted to touch it. Without hesitation, I stepped over to the clearing. As I got closer, I stretched out my hand to touch it.

The sand rippled. It was warm and soft, reminding me of the kinetic sand I kept in a jar on my nightstand. Grinning, I moved closer and sank my hand into it. It was like a never ending abyss of smooth, smooth sand.

Maybe I can have some fun with this. And then, I can bring some back and throw it at Indie and watch her scream.

I smirked. But I also had a nagging feeling in my gut.

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