Careful What You Wish For

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Before I start, I want to give AllKindsOfMagic a shoutout because not only did they vote and comment on my story, they also gave me a shoutout on there's. Thank you so much!

Indie's POV

Complete silence.

Well except for the humming of the mosquitoes, the gentle murmuring of the river, and the quiet rustling of the trees.

I was out for two whole days due to that stupid crystal. Unconscious for six other semi monstrous rapids. Audrey and Rae used their bodies to shield me from the rushing water, while the other two used their strength to keep the boat upright.

I was only about 100 pounds, so if my body ever went overboard, they were able to save me. Thankfully, however, my friends were determined to put their own lives on the line for me.

Audrey developed severe bruises that turned different shades of deep purple, to dark purple along her back. Rae received two gashes on her right cheek.

All of them had some sort of scar or bruise from when they protected me. I owe them my life.

Scarlet had not taken her eyes off of me ever since then. I kept insisting that I was fine and my arm didn't hurt anymore, but she dismissed me every time.

When I gained consciousnesses again, my arm looked completely normal minus a few light red scars. It was puzzling to me how and why this happened. But I knew one thing for sure.

Cody had lied to us.

"It's been five days! Five days! I'm so hungry!" Rae complained, clutching her frail stomach. "This stupid trip is taking forever!"

Scarlet wiped the perspiration from the blazing sun off of her forehead.

"Just...we have to keep going. There's nothing else we can do," she replied wearily.

There was a long pause.

"I freaking hate Cody!" Audrey announced out of the blue. "He lied to us and it almost killed Indie! What the hell does he have against us?"

She kicked the side of the boat resulting in the familiar nauseating rocking. I gasped involuntarily, my heart rate picking up.

"We don't know for sure if he lied though," Carlin piped up. "Maybe...maybe" she fell silent, not knowing what else to say.

There was a long pause.

The sun drifting behind a storm cloud dropping our moods even more. Scarlet asked if I was okay for the seventh time.

Rae started humming a tune to pass the time while Audrey swished the grimy water in the boat around with her foot.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I was bored. Completely bored. Absolutely nothing had happened in the past three hours.

"Something exciting better happen soon because I'm just about ready to throw myself over the side of the boat," I announced grouchily.

I spoke too soon.

As we drifted down the river like an abandoned log, The water a few meters in front of us began to ripple.

Probably a frog. I decided, and closed my eyes.

I'll give you a little hint here. It wasn't a frog.

I cracked my eyes open just enough to see a four foot dorsal fin of a peculiar creature steadily drifting forward.

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