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Attention: this is a trigger warning. There will be rape themes in this chapter. If you are uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form, you will be free to skip over this part. I will notify you when it is over. Please read at your own risk.
Audrey's POV

Oh my God. Why is Cody here? How did he get here? Why is he holding the princess hostage?

Those three questions cycled through my head like a broken record. My body was shaking uncontrollably.

"What do we do? That's Cody!" Hissed Carlin, her eyes the size of dinner plates.

"Son of bitch!" Carlin cursed and almost pounded her fist on the wall. Scarlet stopped her and put her pointer finger against her lips.

A thumping sound came from in the cell next to me. I heard the Princess let out a strangled cry. More thumping.

I leaned over to the side, my stomach heaving. I couldn't even imagine what that horrid man was doing to Lydia.

"Stop struggling, whore! You'd enjoy it so much more if you just stood still,"

Another scream from the princess Lydia.

"Please, please stop! It hurts so much! I'll do anything! Please just stop!"

I looked over to see Scarlet shaking with anger. Rae had her fingers in her ears. Carlin and Indie were holding each other, sobbing quietly.

"PLEASE!" Lydia shrieked.

As of right now, there will be no more themes of rape.

"That's it!" Hissed Scarlet getting to her feet. "I'm putting an end to this!"

"No!" Snarled Rae, also getting to her feet. She looked shaken up. "You can't!"

But there was no stopping Scarlet. She stormed over to the cell door and through it open.

I scrambled to my feet and followed.

"What the fuck?" Screamed an incredulous Cody. He emerged from the cell confused and immediately, his eyes turned a stormy black upon seeing Scarlet.

He slowly smirked.

"Well, well, well!" He chuckled slyly, carefully buttoning up his shirt. "If it isn't the saviors!" He said the word "saviors" in a condescending manner.

"You bastard!" Scarlet shrieked, leaping forward. I grabbed her collar and pulled her back. She writhed in my grasp.

Cody started forward until he was face to face with Scarlet.

"Are you surprised to see me here?" He asked gleefully.

Scarlet let out a growling noise and spit on his cheek. He wiped it off in disgust and turned his steely gray eyes on her.

"I advise you leave!" He snarled. "There is no way you're getting the princess back!"

At of the corner of my eye, I noticed Rae and Carlin sneak into the princess's cell.

"How'd you even get in her?" I snapped, still keeping a tight hold on Scarlet.

"I know some shortcuts," he replied nonchalantly and reached into his coat pocket to get a cigar.

Rae was herding Lydia out of the cell. Her gown was even more damaged, and she wobbled on her feet.

"The way I go, it only takes an hour and a half!" Cody continued smugly. "Plus, my boat is made out of logs which those Gem fish don't like. That's why mine wouldn't get eaten."

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