Crystal River

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Changing POV, guys! Hope it doesn't confuse you too much. It shouldn't though. I know I'm going to have fun writing this chapter. :)
Indie's POV

I kept my eye on Cody until he slipped out of view. The mosquitoes hummed above our heads and the birds sang their mating songs. We really didn't have to use our paddles right now considering we were moving downstream.

"Uh, the boat's rocking!" I blurted. Everyone groaned and I mentally slapped myself. Whenever I got nervous, I would randomly say stupid things.

"The boat is supposed to rock, babe," Scarlet told me, fighting back laughter. "The current is moving us downstream."

I laced my fingers with hers and tried to calm my pounding heart.

Relax. You're fine. Look at the pretty birds, Indie. Aren't they pretty? I thought desperately.

"Indie would you relax?" Scarlet sighed. "You're cutting off the circulation in my hand!"

We both looked down and indeed, her hand was becoming paler under my strong grip.

"Sorry," I mumbled, letting go. My knees were slightly shaking, causing the paddle on my lap to swing back a little and jab Audrey in the gut.

"Ouch Indie! Keep your paddle to yourself, god damn it!" Audrey snapped behind me. She shoved my paddle forward and the boat rocked even more.

I let out a scream and grabbed the sides in a desperate attempt to keep the boat steady.

"Indie, why don't you observe the scenery? It might help you relax a little bit," Scarlet suggested gently.

I gulped and looked to my right. A large hill looked over us, partially covering the sun. Trees were dotted up and down the river side attracting beavers, swans, geese, and deer. To the left of me was no different. It was truly a miraculous sight.

Leaning over the edge of the boat, the clear water rippled past, distorting my reflection. It wasn't too deep, probably around two or three feet. I noticed small fish swimming in groups and tiny crabs scuttling across the multicolored rocks. Lily pads bobbing downstream created nice lookout sights for frogs and toads.

I didn't even notice the sound of water rushing toward us. The scenery was just too...

"Uh...Guys?" Carlin squealed from behind me. "GUYS!"

My head snapped up and I gasped in horror.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god...

A monstrous rapid was heading towards us at full speed. It raced in the distance right at us, disturbing the peace. At the rate it was going at, it would crash right on us and knock over boat over.


The wind picked up from the force of wave. Water sprayed in my face as the it steadily moved closer.

"PADDLE TO THE RIGHT!" Screamed Carlin over the whistling wind. "PADDLE, GUYS!"

I fumbled for my paddle and shoved it into the water. My arms began aching after my first stroke due to the water thickening and frothing.


"NO, RAE!" Scarlet screamed behind her while desperately trying to row. "DON'T LEAVE THE BOAT! TOO DANGEROUS!"

The wave was just a few yards away. The boat rocked clumsily and I nearly dropped my paddle into the water.

And then suddenly...

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