Audrey's Story

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Carlin's POV

The Grim Reaper forced us two by two into the jail cells. I was shoved into a cramped one with Audrey. Rae and Indie were in the one next to us on the right. And Scarlet was in the one to our left.

"Ha!" The Reaper cheered, as he tightened his hold on the Princess's waist. She whimpered and struggled against his strong grip.

"Stop squirming bitch, or I'll stab you!" He snapped, before turning to face us.

"Let us go," Audrey snarled through gritted teeth. Her knuckles turned white from gripping onto the cell bars.

"Let me think about it..." the Reaper murmured, tapping his chin. "How about, no!"

He smirked, surveying us. Then, with the princess under one arm, he swept out of the jail, slamming the door behind him.

"GO SUCK A DICK!" Audrey hollered after him, her face sticking out of the bars. I yanked her away from the cell bars.

Minutes of silence passed. I slumped down against the wall and put my head in my hands. It was over. We failed the mission.

I heard Scarlet shuffling around in the cell next to me. "My powers are completely useless to get us out of her," she complained.

Rae sniffled from the cell next to me. "I'm hungry," she whispered pitifully.

"That's not an option right now, unfortunately," Scarlet sighed. "We need to find a way to get out of here. Audrey, can you do anything as a werewolf?"

"No. There's no way," Audrey responded coolly. "We're trapped in this hellhole until the Reaper kills us." She paced around.

It fell silent again. I listened to the steady dripping of a leaky pipe. Audrey sat down beside me and raked a hand through her thick red locks. My heart jumped when she placed her hand on top of mine.

She turned to me and smiled softly. My cheeks heated up. She opened her mouth to say something when...

"I'm baaaack ladies!" The Reaper swept back into the room gleefully. He was now wearing a black hooded cloak and carried a scythe. The princess was no longer with him. "I have a surprise for you girls!"

The Reaper stood in front of us, grinning. "You all know me as the Grim Reaper!" He paused for effect. "So in honor of me, we'll be playing a game called "who wants to die first", ready?" He clapped his hands.

Immediately, a sense of dread washed over me, and I squeezed Audrey's hand. The Reaper was walking up and down the cells, watching us closely with big eyes that were now blood red. He stopped right in front of the cell with Rae and Indie in it. He stroked his chin slowly for a second before grinning widely.

"C'mon, little one! Don't be shy!" He opened the cell door with a clank.

I heard a strangled sob and my heart stopped. The Reaper was dragging Rae out by hair while Indie cried for help.

Audrey pounded on our cell wall.


I pulled her back and put a hand over her mouth. She couldn't risk it.

"Don't worry, I won't kill her yet," The Reaper smiled, as he grasped onto Rae's collar. Her eyes were red with crying and her knees shook with fear.

"If you want someone, make it me..." Audrey snarled through gritted teeth. Her eyes flashed to gold.

The Reaper looked amused as he softly stroked Rae's hair. "No thanks. I'm just going to give little May a change of heart!"

"Her name is Rae. And what the fuck are you talking about?"

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