Something's fishy...

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Switching POV again! Enjoy :) And before I start, I would personally like to thank the following readers:






These are only a few of the users who have given me such nice comments throughout my story! Please check out their stories!! They are truly phenomenal :) And now you may continue reading, lol.
Scarlet's POV

I was dozing. My clock read 7:26 a.m. and I knew I should be getting everyone up and it. But I couldn't. The blankets were light and fluffy, and I hadn't had a good sleep in forever. Indie rolled over and smacked me in the face. I payed no mind, however, because she does that on a daily basis.

I snuggled deeper into the feathery pillows when all of a sudden an icy cold blast of water shot me in the face. I screamed bloody murder causing Indie laying next to me to screech as well and fall off the bed. The soaking cold blanket stuck to me as I furiously wiped my drenched hair out of my eyes.

Whoever did this better watch out. I. Will. Kill. You.

I threw the blanket off of me, seething, and stood up to punch whoever did this, in the face. Through my blurry vision (from that damn ice water), I managed to make out a small girl standing over me.

Rae. I'm going to kill you.

The girl, I presumed, was smirking, holding a blue cup. She didn't seem sorry at all.

"What the hell, Rae??" I snapped, kicking off my socks. My hair dripped with the frigid liquid. "Did you just seriously wake me up like that?"

"Who's Rae?" Came an unrecognizable voice. It sounded deeper than Rae's.


I scrubbed my eyes furiously, and when they gained focus again, I realized it wasn't Rae. It was actually a young boy around 15 or 16 with longer hair that looked like Rae's.

"Who the fuck are you?" A voice piped from behind me.

I whipped around. Indie had recovered from her slight shock, and she was now standing at the foot of the bed staring questioningly at the boy.

I was about to say something when the door flew open.

"Scarlet, what happened??" Shrieked the real Rae as she thunderously burst into the room. Audrey, Carlin, and the kind man appeared as well, their faces etched with worry.

"Jason!" The man snapped, starting forward. He grabbed the boy by the collar and shook him roughly. "That is no way to treat our guests! You apologize to that girl right now! Go!"

The boy turned to me muttering under his breath.

"Sorry." He retorted, completely unconvincingly.

"Good, now scram you pesky beast!"

The boy scampered our of the room but not before turning and winking at me on his way out.


The man sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry, that's my son, Jason. He was out last night hunting which is why you didn't see him. He's a pest."

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