Chapter 6

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The tale of her time in the dungeons was short, Megara realized as she wrote it

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The tale of her time in the dungeons was short, Megara realized as she wrote it. At least, when put into simple words leaving out the vivid descriptions of screams echoing from both nowhere, and, everywhere. It was an enchantment, as she learned after an hour of crying on her father's shoulder. He had said it was not a fair punishment for a girl of eight, but her mother had said it would make her stronger.

Back then, she thought that was a good thing, that her mother had wanted her to succeed, that her mother cared more for her safety and well-being than her own power. Silly, eight year old self, she thought, that witch doesn't care about anyone. Not even father. Not even me. She never cared about me. Not ever. Just then, she heard a knock at the door of the bedroom.

Drying her eyes and setting aside the tale for Jamie, she made her way to the door. Her cloak had been left on her bed, but her dagger was still slid in her boot between her pants and the leathery brown material that made the actual boot, in case she needed it. King's Landing was a strange place, full of strangers. If her mother had but one well-placed ally, then she was screwed. She only had one person that might be considered a friend in all of Westeros as of yet, and that was if Jamie could be counted, which, he really couldn't.

But, it appeared her caution was pointless as it was only Queen Cersei at the door. Bowing her head slightly, she moved to let the queen enter. When her grace did not, she merely looked at the golden haired woman in confusion. Behind Cersei, Megara noticed, were two pretty young girls who seemed slightly on edge. The girl recalled Euron telling her about the Handmaidens the woman in Westeros had, and assumed that's what the two were to Cersei.

"Don't seem so frightened, Megara. I'm just coming to officially meet my sister-to-be. We didn't quite get to meet this morning, and Jamie was quick to whisk you away." The queen put a sweet smile on her face, but there was something unsettling about it to Megara, something that reminded her of her own mother, Gwen. The Queen seemed to be waiting for a response, but quickly remembered what Euron had said earlier and continued.

"It's going to be challenging to adjust to life here if you cannot speak. I don't know how it works in Shadowstone, but here talking is quite common place." Wanting to give the queen an answer, Megara quickly moved to get a parchment and ink, as she began explaining how it worked.

'We communicate with hand movements, it's hard to learn but once you know it, it's extremely easy and kind of fun.' Megara wrote on a large parchment, before carefully tearing off the part she had written on and handing it to Cersei – who had let herself and her handmaidens in.

Cersei seemed intrigued as she read, before looking at Megara right in the eyes. "Show me." Cersei said. 'Fast or slow?' She asked, giving Cersei a second to read it. "Slowly, then as fast as your hands can move." Megara could tell the woman was genuinely curious about the communication methods of her people, and Megara didn't mind sharing.

She started slowly, staying the words of their house, 'None of us can choose our destiny' before repeating that phrase, moving her hands fast until she was moving her hands at the pace she and Ellie used to speak at when they were training for the day they were both vowed to silence. It seemed that practice was unnecessary; as Megara doubted if she would ever see Ellie face to face again.

She was sure it looked like a blur to Cersei, but it didn't matter much as the woman wouldn't understand anyway. "What did you say?" Cersei asked. She grabbed the parchment again, writing 'None of us can choose our destiny' before handing it to the queen.

"The words of your house," Cersei nodded. "Is this right?" Cersei asked as she moved her hands, trying to make the same movements. Cersei was remarkably close for her first try, missing on small wrist jerk changing it from 'none of us can choose our destiny' to 'none of us chose destiny.'

After writing that down, and adding the odds of her getting so close on her first try, Cersei seemed quite proud of herself. "Well, I suppose I should leave you to get ready for the feast tonight." Cersei said, brining Megara to raise her eyebrows. "Don't tell me Jamie forgot to tell you? Tonight in the Small Hall, Robert is holding a feast to Celebrate your arrival."

Cersei still had a proud smile on her face as she stood up to leave. "Selene," she said to one of her hand maidens before she left, "Please help our young visitor get ready for the feast."

"Are you sure, your Grace? I don't quite know my letters but Jayne does." Selene said. "I'm quite sure, come find me once you're done. We'll likely be in the gardens or my chambers," the queen then turned to face Megara, "Until tonight then, Megara." The queen gave her one last smile, before leaving the room with Jayne in tow, leaving her and Selene alone.

For the first time, she looked at the girl. She couldn't have been much older than Megara, putting Selene somewhere in her twenties as Megara was nineteen name days old. Selene had long, jet black hair and eyes like small emeralds. She was quite pretty, and had a quaint smile on her face as she waited to be told what to do. She was wearing a golden dress, with short sleeves and a flowing skirt.

It took her a moment to remember that Megara wasn't going to tell her what to do and she began to sort out a bath for the girl. Megara chose to ignore Selene's presence as she finished writing the letter to Jamie, including three questions she wanted answered. 'Would you be willing to spar with me? I'd like to see just how skilled the Kingslayer is.
What is your preferred weapon in combat? Mine are daggers, they're best for agility.
What do you like to do for fun here in King's Landing?'

"Your bath had been run, My Lady. Would you like me to stay and help you get ready? I'm considered to be quite fashionable if you want help..." Megara gave the girl a small smile, but shook her head no. The style in King's Landing for women seemed to be exclusively dresses and Megara was not comfortable with wearing such things, deciding she'd rather dress herself in accordance to her own country.

The bath was appreciated as Megara soaked in the warmth and cleaned off the dirt from both a long journey on a ship and a walk in the forest. She enjoyed the water in peace, until the warmth was all gone, after which she got out. She brushed out her hair, knowing it would curl anyway, before she got dressed.

She decided to wear something that Euron had given her while they were still travelling, something he claimed made her look like a proper Greyjoy. It was a dirty-white shirt with long, very thin and puffy sleeves, and a black, very short pair of pants. Over it was a light brown corset-like vest. Around her waist was a dark, chocolate brown belt with a leather attachment that flowed around her. She had pulled on a pair of gloves and low boots, before she grabbed the letter for Jamie.

Looking out the window, it was near dark and past time for the feast to begin. Hiding a dagger in both boots, and placing an obvious, intricately carved knife in her belt. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of her room and began making her way towards the Small Hall.

 Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of her room and began making her way towards the Small Hall

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