Chapter 10

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Megara soon found that they had settled into a routine, every morning (unless Jaime had to guard the King) the two would spar on the beach, mostly for a bit of fun. During the afternoon, Jaime would likely be guarding the king and Megara would explore the interior of the Red Keep. At night, Tyrion, Jaime and herself would work on the Silent Language.

Jaime was getting better at fending off her strikes and spreading out his energy more in terms of their sparing, and both he and Tyrion were able to have entire conversations with her in the Silent Language after a month. Ellie sent Eagles every week, sometimes saying nothing but simply coming to visit her. The Dragon Gull had not made an appearance, and Megara hoped it was because the stalker-bird had been shot out of the sky and eaten.

It was after her first moon-turn in King's Landing, about two days after, and she and Tyrion were talking in the Gardens. They were talking in the Silent Language, of course, and even though Tyrion could speak out loud if he wanted to, he chose not to.

'The King and Cersei really dislike each other that much?' she asked. They were sitting on the hidden balcony; a goblet of wine was set in front of Tyrion, and a pint of rum in front of Megara. 'It was an arranged marriage between two people who loved others. Others, that had been abruptly taken away from them. It was never meant to be happy, merely profitable.'

'That's very sad,' Megara said, before taking a large sip of her rum. 'That's the way our lives go. Here you are, thousands of leagues away from your people, friends and family expected to marry a man twice your age that no one knew anything about before you left home.' Tyrion, said. Megara took an overly large, and long, chug of her rum. 'It's different.'

'Yes, of course it is. You and Jaime don't hate each other. Y- Yeet?' He dropped his hands. "What's the movement for yet?" she gave him a blank look as she showed it to him, before continuing. 'Yet. You can be funny, Tyrion, and great company. You can also be a ripe arse.' He laughed and winked, before drinking the last of his wine. 'But seriously, you don't think Jaime and I will end up like Robert and Cersei. I mean, Jaime has to stand outside his chamber door almost every day while he literally insults her. It's horrible.'

'Now you're just being stupid, Meg. Jaime likes you, it's obvious. Besides, he's nothing like that fat bastard. Even if he didn't like you, even if he hated you, he wouldn't do as Robert does.' She scoffed and smiled, before finishing her rum and moving on the conversation. 'It's dangerous to say such things about his grace's fat ass, Tyrion.' They both laughed, Tyrion more so than Meg.

'What about you, Tyrion? Do you have anyone locked into a future with you?' She asked. 'I'm the third born and a dwarf, no one it rushing to give me their daughters. Besides, the whores would be enraged.' She laughed when he did, though couldn't help but feel bad at the self-deprecation. Tyrion was a great person, what did it matter he was a dwarf? In Asshai, that wouldn't matter that much at all.

Jaime joined them later in the night, claiming that Robert had "Taken his time" and that he hadn't been able to leave. He brought with him more wine, something from Dorne, and they spent the night drinking and talking about both everything, and, nothing. It was a very good time.

Megara was in a grand mood as she walked back to her chambers, still feeling the effects of all the rum and wine. However, sobriety instantly struck her as she entered her chambers to find the Dragon Gull seated on her bed, a note tied to its leg. Not only had sudden sobriety had hit her, but she had also gotten quite a fright, causing all of the candles to go out air exploded for her, slamming the door as well.

She dashed for the Vial of light in her trunk, and as soon as she had in in her hand, a burst violent white light flooded the room. The bird had not moved. She was slow to get to the letter on its leg, and careful when opening it.


So, you and your betrothed have it off well, have you? You trust him? I wouldn't, if I were you, the people of Westeros can be very untrustworthy. Especially the nobles, and I should know, I've met a few. Never worry, though, Little Merlin. Mother's always watching, dear.

~Lady Gwen of House Emrys.'

A sick feeling sank into her gut as she watched the bird fly away. A little spark of raged possessed her as she grabbed a broken dagger's blade, and threw it out of the window at the Dragon Gull. It sliced it's side, and she watched it fall out of the sky. She has also sliced her hand, straight across her palm.

Muttering curses, she didn't bother with the candles as she used the Vial of light to see as she bandaged her palm. She knew it was Gwen that had been watching her, but to know she was watching Jaime as well worried her. There was also the matter of Gwen knowing anyone in Westeros, yet alone 'a few' nobles. Megara spent the majority of that night pacing around her room with the vial of light, trying to figure out what to do about her mother.

An Eagle arrived in the middle of the night, eyes aglow, baring a warning from her father and Ellie that her mother had been spending an excessive amount of time in the mind of an animal, but that neither knew exactly where she was or what she was. Megara reattached the letter from her mother to the eagle, adding how she had seen the Dragon Gull around.

She though the whole point of being in Westeros was being out of Gwen's reach, but clearly that wasn't the case.

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