Chapter 16

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Jaime Lannister

Jaime kept his vigil outside of the King's door, trying to tune out the whores inside. They seemed louder than usual, as even the thought of Megara wasn't helping him drown them out completely. The image of her did, however, place a dreaming look in his eye, and turn his posture into a much more relaxed one. It was strange to him that less than two moons prior, only Cersei could do that. Now, the idea of Cersei had him tensing up all over again.

"What's the matter brother, it's like you've seen a ghost," Tyrion stated, making his presence known. "Or perhaps a banshee?" Jaime couldn't help but laugh. "Why did you leave Meg? Annoy her too much?" It was Tyrion's turn to laugh. "As if she would ever dislike my presence. Pycelle decided it was time she rested."

"You get out!" The brothers both flinched at the sudden roar, turning to the door behind Jaime. About a second later, a pretty young girl with little breasts and no ass to speak of darted out, doing her best to hide her nakedness with her hands. She didn't give Jaime or Tyrion – or a passing serving girl – time to even register the action or offer assistance.

The door now ajar, the sound was clearer and more annoying than ever. Jaime only realized after he shut it that his annoyance felt different than it usually did. Typically, he was irked by it because of how it disrespected Cersei. Now, he wasn't quite sure. Although, he did know it made him wish for Megara's presence.

"Quite a party our king is having in there," Tyrion observed. "I feel as if I should be taking notes."

"I wouldn't," Jaime said. From there their conversations moved on to better and more idle things, until Tyrion grew tired of hearing Robert's fun, and left to find his own at Littlefinger's brothel. Once again, Jaime was left to daydream, and his mind wondered to their morning duels. It seemed they would have to be postponed for quite a while. That was particularly unfortunate, as he had wanted to see her magic first hand – perhaps see if he can beat it.

"You should be more focused," Jaime felt a sudden sense of being overly uncomfortable as his other half arrived. "My husband's life is in your hands." Jaime had no desire to be in her presence, and felt a certain distain towards her that he could never have imagined he would. She seemed to pick up on that too, and scowled.

"Your child bride seems to have quite the knack for trouble, doesn't she? First she proves to be a whore, then a thief, and now –"

"And now Lannister guardsmen imposters attack her, shortly after I choose her over you. Strange how these things happen, isn't it Cersei?" Jaime's words did not have the reaction he wanted, instead it brought a smile to her face. The kind of sly smirk a fox would have after cornering its prey. No, not a fox, a lion.

"We both know those men weren't mine, they had magic." Jaime internally cursed. How did she know? "But you knew that already, didn't you dear brother. In fact, I bet you know a lot of things about your child bride that would get both of you into a lot of trouble."

"Who told you about Meg?"

"Her mother, of course. The Queen of Asshai seems to have quite the vendetta against her daughter." There was something off about the gleam in Cersei's eyes. "If you do anything to –"

"Easy dear brother, if I wanted her dead she would be. No, I'd much rather she live. That way, Robert is happy, and I have control over you." Jaime lifted an eyebrow. You have no control over me, you retch. "Unless of course, you want the full truth of your child bride revealed. Or, for her to die. Both, even."

Jaime scowled at the ultimatum, searching desperately for a loophole, and finding none. Bitch. "I will not hurt Meg for you, Cersei." There was a violent edge to his voice. "Obviously not, Jaime. You will however, resume to have sex with me. Remember: I know when you get off duty tonight."

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