Chapter 15

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It was hard work to open her eyes. In fact, It was hard work to breath. It was like all of her energy had been drained from her body, and it was not helpful that she could feel every wound on her body as if they were still being inflicted due to her weakened state. However, she wanted to get up. She needed to. Jaime had seen magic, it had been used upon him – and she had spoken. He had heard it, she had heard it, it had happened. And her mother? Her mother had managed to mount an attack powerful enough to draw her close to death, as well as Jaime. In short, she had a lot she had to talk to him about.

Her eyes did not struggle to adjust to the dim lighting in her room, and it shocked her. The blue-fire in Asshai would blind anyone, no matter what. Westerosi flames were much softer on the eyes, she supposed. Sitting up seemed to be the most challenging thing she had ever done, and she could feel blood rushing to the largest of her wounds – which turned out to be across her chest.

Quickly, a hand came to rest on her shoulder trying to gently push her down. Her reaction was instinct. Her hand came upon the wrist of whoever touched her like a viper, and her eyes followed. However, she regretted the act for two reasons. The first was because it sent a spike of pain up her arm. And the second, was because it was just Jaime and she hadn't need to exert the energy.

"I see you're feeling better," He stated, a smirk curling onto his lips. She nodded, although it felt quite like a lie. He knew it too, causing him to chuckle. "Do you want to let go of my wrist now or shall I just leave it there?" She rolled her eyes, but complied, dropping her hand and allowing Jaime to bring his back to his side. 'How long was I out?'

"Long enough for me to get worried, although no one else. It's been a few days." She was about to ask another question: Where is Tyrion, to be precise, when Jaime answered for her. "Tyrion has not been calm though. He's barely left the garden." She nodded, accepting in information but waiting for the conversation that neither of them wanted to have. When she realized Jaime wasn't going to initiate it, she took it upon herself to do it.

'Look, Jaime I understand if -'

He placed a gentle hand on hers, stopping her from finishing. "I received an Eagle, from your friend Ellie. Apparently, your mother was in some sort of uproar in Asshai and ranted about everything and she decided to explain everything while she knew you would still be comatose." She smiled, at both the fact that Jaime accepted her and the fact that she had pissed her mother off to the point of an unwise rant that shattered her vows.

'And you don't have any questions?' She asked. "Oh, I did. There was more than one Eagle." Megara laughed, and Jaime joined in. "Just so you know, Robert's had a guard detail placed on you now. I convinced him that I was all you needed in your room though."

She scowled at the news, but thanked him for at least convincing him not to let a group of men into her room – or any man other than Jaime, especially while she was unconscious. He smiled, and looked to the door for a moment before placing his attention back on her. "Perhaps I should alert Tyrion that his 'favorite sister' is awake." Jaime said and she dropped the scowl at once. 'Yes, you should. And you should tell him to bring Chocolate Cake.'

"As my Lady commands." She rolled her eyes as he got up and left, however, her scowl was back as she noticed the two guards standing just outside of the door. Barely a minute past after he left, when the door suddenly swung open. At the door, was none other than Cersei Lannister, who proceeded to let herself in. She sighed internally and reached for the paper and quill beside her bed, however, she was stopped by Cersei's voice.

"There's no need for that, dear child." She winced at the nickname. Cersei didn't seem to notice or care as she took a seat on the bed next to her. "I merely wanted to express my surprise that my sweet brother left your side, after all, he's been refusing to do so since you're little fight in the Keep." The older woman rested a cold hand on her leg, and Megara simply looked at it in annoyance. "Did Jaime tell you that it took two days to clean up after that little spat. The blood was practically soaked into the stone. And the smell..."

Megara sighed audibly, wondering if there was a point to the Queen's presence. "Well, that's unimportant to you, I suppose. I merely wanted to tell you that," Cersei's voice dipped dangerously, and she began applying intense pressure on Megara's skinny leg. "Jaime is mine, and he'll stay that way. So keep your bewitchments out of his head, alright? Or I will make sure your mother gets what she wants."

Before she could reply in anyway, a servant appeared at the door, a parchment in hand and looking quite tired. The boy's eyes widened in the presence of two Noblewomen. "I-I am so, so sorry my queen but his majesty, prince Joffrey has requested you're presence. He claims it's quite urgent." Cersei smiled and stood up, quickly leaving the room, making sure to leave the door open behind her. Megara flopped back, the motion causing her injuries to burn. Her mind went wild, trying to figure out what Cersei was talking about.

Megara was hopeful that the woman knew nothing about her magic, there was simply no way. However, if she knew about her mother then... and what did she mean by 'Jaime is mine' surely she wasn't that obsessive about her brother? She growled, her head beginning to pulsate painfully.

Thankfully, she didn't have to brood over it for too long, as Tyrion and Jaime arrived, closing the door behind them. "She's awake at last, I thought Jaime was pulling my leg." She laughed as Tyrion spoke, but still rolled her eyes at the small man. 'Could he even get a grip on it? I feel like you would kick too much.' It was Tyrion's turn to laugh as he climbed onto the bed at her feet. Jaime sat at her right side.

"Of Course he would, he is Tyrion." She snorted, and rested a head on Jaime's shoulder. 'So, what did I miss?'

"Well, you missed Jaime telling Robert to 'fuck off' when he told Jaime to leave this chamber. Twice." She smiled as Tyrion continued to list different examples of things Jaime had done in order to remain at her side, despite several protests from the afore mentioned King's Guard.

"Oh and, let's not forget how Jaime slept in here every night. It would have been very suspicious if you weren't unconscious." She slowly drew he head off of Jaime's shoulder find him already looking at her, resulting in her puzzled expression. "Look, it was completely innocent. I just wanted to be here to protect you if you were attacked again."

'Oh, of course Jaime. I wholeheartedly believe you and your definitely good intentions.'

"Well, you should." Jaime said, causing her to laugh as she turned him back into her pillow. "I wouldn't." Tyrion commented with a smirk, before he began to tell another tale of Jaime during her days long lack of consciousness. Most of them sounded too uncanny and heavily punishable to be true, but each was highly entertaining. Cersei's sadistic display disappeared from her mind just as it had come, quick-lasting, ungracious and abrupt.

Soon after nightfall, the entire castle was aware of Megara's awakening and Jaime was set back to guarding the King. Tyrion had opted to stay with her and talk, but that only lasted an hour before Maester Pycelle arrived. He ordered Tyrion out so handmaidens could change her bandages while he prepared milk of the poppy, and she was put to sleep – grateful that Jaime hadn't grown to hate her.

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