Chapter 18

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Megara Emrys

'Jaime Lannister, if you even think of -' His hands closed gently around hers, and she found herself resolved to angry glaring. "Meg, your injuries have just healed. Riding is a rather unnecessary risk." Due to her forced silence, she chose to communicate another way. She snapped her jaws in his direction, biting at him like an animal.

He groaned and rolled his eyes. She kept glaring. The entire argument was his fault in the first place. They were going to ride through the entire country of Westeros, a place she had never seen but always wanted to, and he wanted her to be locked in a Wheelhouse with Cersei and her kids. There was no way she'd do it.

She wanted to be on a horse, free to split off and roam or go exploring. And she certainly didn't want to spend time with her royal highness. She also wanted to spend more time with Jaime and Tyrion, but she had yet to get to that argument as he kept grabbing her hands every few seconds.

"Besides, it isn't safe out there for –" She was not going to let him finish that sentence. She pulled her hands out from his grip, which shut him up. 'I can kick your ass remember? And I'm already healed. Besides, I'd probably be with you more than anything else.'

Jaime sighed, and she knew she'd won. So, she sealed the deal with a kiss on the cheek, before running out of the room. She had gotten used to walking in dresses, particularly like ones she's wearing at the moment. The ones that are light and flow like cloaks – but she was still ready to get her short pants back. And to get outside of the Red Keep.

She heard Jaime following her almost immediately and laughed, making a game of the entire thing. Victory felt good, she supposed.

"Megara!" She looked back, winked, and laughed, before turning her gaze forward again. "Meg!" She knew she was out of Jaime's sight, so she turned sharply and hid. She had to cover her mouth with her hand to keep from laughing as she heard him pass.

She then slid out, and began to chase him as quietly as she could. Once she was close, she jumped onto his back causing him to let out the most girlish of screams. She was giggling uncontrollably because of it, so he dropped her. She yelped, but kept giggling as she slid to lean against the wall of the passage they'd ended up in. Jaime then sat down next you her.

"You know, if anyone else had done that, I would have stabbed them."

'Before or after you squealed like a twelve year old girl, sweetie?' She made sure the gestures were as condescending as possible, causing him to chuckle as he shoved her with his shoulder. "Sweetie? Is that the best nickname you could think of?" She shoved him back, then rested her head on his shoulder.

'I'm thinking a dark horse,' She said after a moment. "We'll find one," he said, getting up and holding a hand out for her. She let him pull her to her feet.

They did find one, and he was a beautiful beast with a wild temperament that she claimed and called her own at once. She even named him – Meverin. He and Jaime's white horse were getting along extremely well, as they rode together ahead of the Wheelhouse. She was still feeling quite smug.

And could she be blamed? She had on a pair of trousers for the first time in weeks, and there were no braids in her hair – simply a wild curly mane. A mane that flew freely in the warm summer breeze as they travelled on the King's Road. Her arms were bare to the sun's soft kiss, but her hooded cloak kept her head sheltered. And kept her from being able to see how blatantly obvious Jaime was being about his staring.

She couldn't imagine being trapped in a Wheelhouse though. Despite her months in King's Landing, there were so many things she had never seen. Her whole life before was spent in a place filled with two colors: white and black. There had been two options for terrain: fields of endless darkness and luminous white grass, or volcanoes. To say Westeros possessed more variety would be to embody the very essence of an understatement.

There were rolling hills, and forests, and so many colors. There were many flowers, she knew that from the gardens, but seeing them in the wild open plains was incredible. Jaime must have noticed, or remembered, her wonder of nature. As while she stared at the tree line, on the fifth day since they left King's Landing, he brought it up.

"The terrain changes even more further North, you know," He said. They were riding slowly along the beaten path, in the middle of the long line of people doing the same. 'And further south. To the east and to the west – I know. I'm still not used to it. Even the idea kind of amazes me.'

"Is Asshai really nothing like this?" That's when she realized that Jaime could be just as stunned by the emptiness of Asshai as she was by the variety of Westeros. 'Believe me when I say there is nothing but black and white. And some bright orange lava, but seeing that isn't exactly a good thing. And blue, since the light created by the alchemists is blue.'

"That does sound quite bleak," She gave him a look and had his horse rear to throw him off. She then laughed, and rode on, leaving him to recover and catch up by himself. Meverin seemed to be amused too. "That was uncalled for."

'Suck a dick,' She said in a joking manner. He responded in an equally joking tone. "I believe that's your job in this relationship Meg."

'Don't make me throw you off of your horse again Lannister,' She tried to make her hand signals seem both threating and mocking, but it definitely leaned more to the latter. "I didn't hear a no." She scoffed and rolled her eyes. 'Really? How about a "Fuck you" then?'

"I mean if you want to -"

She threw him off of his horse again. 'I warned you,' she stated, before she nudged Meverin into full speed. During the process she also had Jaime's nameless steed run off beside her. She was laughing as she leveled beside Tyrion. He was riding his little pony besides the Wheelhouse, and she tried really hard not to make the same joke she usually did.

"Where's Jaime," The suspicion was loud and clear. "Did you kill him and leave him in the woods?" She gasped – dramatically. 'I would never!'

He hummed questioningly. "Then why are you here alone with his horse. Quite suspect in my opinion." She laughed and rolled her eyes. "I'm serious Meg. You know how this must look, don't you? You spend a great deal of time with his brother, and when you are away from more prying eyes, he disappears. And you return with naught but his horse."

'Not quite,' she was laughing and looking backwards. At the figure clad in golden armor, running towards them beside the coulomb. 'Although he looks like he might want to die right now, so, there's that.'

"You are a cruel, cruel young woman Megara Emrys."

'Aren't I just?'

They both laughed, and watched Jaime trying his hardest to catch up, both in agreement that it would be the best entertainment of the journey.

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