Chapter 20

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Megara really didn't want to say it, but the way they arrived in Winterfell was weird. She was aware that she was the only one who thought that of course, but she still thought it. In Asshai, no matter who you were, your arrival somewhere was always the same. And it was simple, too. For example, a band of Alchemists – the best of their kind – had once arrived in Shadowstone and no one had noticed until they saw them in the Tower the next morning.

Their arrival was nothing like that. It was loud and marked by trumpets and had very particular order. In Megara's case, she had been forced into the wheelhouse while Joffrey took her horse and her place near Jaime's position. Apparently it was poor form for a female to ride a horse, and equally poor form for a Prince to ride a wheelhouse. That was another thing she found idiotic.

Not that there were wheelhouses in Asshai, but if there were none of the Westeros customs would have been applied. Maybe it was because women had a stronger link to magic – as in they are more likely to wield it and be able to master it – but they were never viewed as inferior. Neither were men, though. There were too few people in Asshai and they were all too connected for there to be.

Westeros was nothing like that for sure.

Cersei gave her a sharp look as they rumbled up a hill. "Remember your place child, and your manners."

She glared back, all of her strange behaviors and warnings fueling the distain in the look as she did. Something is very wrong with that woman, Megara thought as she looked away. She met Marcella's nervous gaze. She couldn't say anything, so she hoped the small and understanding smile she gave helped a bit. It must have, since Marcella smiled back.

The Wheelhouse rumbled to a halt, and the Royal Family began to exit. After them, Megara did the same. She did straighten herself up briefly, knowing that she was going to have to begin from square one in terms of odd looks because of her clothing, and having to explain her silence, and having to get to know new faces. She pulled her cloak's hood off of her head she stepped out of the wheelhouse, her eyes quickly searching for Jaime.

However, before she could spot him, a meaty and wrapped around her arm and pulled her towards a row of strangers. "Ned, this is the girl. I wrote about her, in the letter about Jon."

"I remember your grace," He had a deep voice and the kind of accent and serious tone that commanded awe and respect. He bowed his head to her in greeting and she did the same thing. "It is an honor to meet one of the Royals of Asshai, I am certain you will find peace inside these walls." She smiled, having no clue what to do. Sensing this, she assumed, the auburn haired woman beside Eddard Stark spoke up.

"You are as beautiful as the King claimed," She said. "I am Lady Catelyn Stark, and these are my children. Rickon, Rob, Sansa, Arya, and Bran." She smiled and nodded at them each in turn, feeling awkward and out of place. She really just wanted to find Jaime.

"Right then, take me to your crypt. I want to pay my respects." Megara turned and spotted Jaime, and quickly fell back to his side. He pulled her against his chest as they watched the scene. That's when she noticed that Tyrion, and his pony, were nowhere to be seen. "We've been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait."

Megara almost felt bad for the crazy blond as her husband ignored her. "Ned."

She watched as Cersei took a deep breath and forced herself to remain steel faced and composed. She wondered if the scowl was for her or for the way her husband had treated her, or perhaps both. She wondered if she and Jaime would be like them. Utterly miserable together. She didn't think so, and she hoped not.

"Where is our brother? Go find the little beast. And take your child bride with you." Megara glared, and as soon as Jaime and herself had turned began to sign to him. 'As if I'd prefer to stay and silently watch you act like a witch.' Jaime tried not to laugh but failed. "You always could if you preferred."

'Shut up and let's find the little idiot. Where do you think he is?' Jaime barely thought for a moment before giving his answer in the form of a question. "Where is the nearest brothel?"

Jaime had his hands over her eyes as he guided her through the brothel and it was rather annoying. Megara was neither a child nor a perfectly innocent fool. He could really afford to remove his hands and let her walk on her own. Of course, she told him that several times, but he remained set in his actions.

Jaime pauses for a moment and Meg grabs his arm to get his attention. 'Make sure I won't be permanently scarred?' He laughed at her words and agreed. She leaned next to the door while Jaime pushed the door open. "Don't get up," he smirked before turning to the door. "It's safe."

Megara laughed and kicked off the wall before entering. She smiled and waved at the girls while Jaime replied to something Tyrion had said that she hadn't listened to. "You've much to teach me no doubt. But our sister craves your attention."

"Odd cravings, our sister."

'She's a crazy bitch what can we say,' Tyrion laughed at her words. Jaime hadn't seen them. "A family trait. Now, the Starks are feasting us at sundown. Don't leave me and Megara alone to have to deal with these people."

"I'm sorry but-"

'Don't you dare you little shit. I can speak to a total of two people in this entire castle and since you're the funnier one don't think for a second you get to abandon me.' Tyrion sighed, and Megara laughed. She made eye contact with Jaime. "Well, it seems we have to conclude your feast more quickly then."

The gaggle of girls Jaime had arranged came running in and Meg rolled her eyes. The male species were definitely a unique one. Jaime grabbed her hand with one of his, and covered her eyes with the other. She groaned but accepted it as he lead her out of the area. Neither of them missed Tyrion's yelling of the phrase: "Close the door!"

They did both ignore him, however, laugh with each other as they made their exit. However, even as she felt the cold air swirling around her, Jaime did not remove his hands. She tapped him in question, but he simply leaned closer to her ear. His breath was like fire compared to the frosty breeze as it blew gently past her neck and her ear. "You'll see."

She leaned back against him instinctively and she could almost feel his smirk. He lead her out of the gates, she knew that because of the guards who asked where he was going. However from there she had no idea. All she knew was that they walked for a good while before he stopped.

She blinked open her eyes, adjusting to the light just in time to see and catch the sword being thrown at her. She grinned so broadly she thought her face might crack. Her eyes were shining as they met his. "I forgot your second blade but I think with your special abilities you won't be needing it."

She quirked a brow. He smirked. "I'm curious to see how I compare to a mage, what can I say?"

She threw the sword to the side and it landed in the snow with a muted thud. 'You don't, that's all there is to say.'

"We'll see."

And he did. He saw very well, time and time again, that he was really no match for her magic. The snow lashing his eyes, the wind setting him off balance, earthquakes knocking him off of his feet, fire acting as a distraction and a warning before she pulled some sly trick. Indeed, Jaime didn't compare to her magic at all. Finally, in a last ditch, desperate attempt at victory, Jaime charged and tackled her.

She had no time to gather an air current and she had no intention of burning him, leaving her to get tackled straight into the snow. He planked over her, his long golden hair tickling her face. The cool snow calmed her from their fight and brought a resting smile to her face just as much as Jaime did. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he brought his hand to her face.

He seemed mesmerized as he traced her jaw down to her throat. His fingers danced down to her collar bone where they wrapped around the string of her necklace. She flowed his gaze as he pulled the rune out and observed it. He traced the patterns and she reacted without thinking. A gentle breeze when he touched air, a little rumble when he grazed earth, the snow swirling around them when he touched water.

She grabbed his face, which made his eyes snap to hers.

"I suppose I really cannot compare to you."

And then he kissed her, but this time she saw it coming and had it together enough to kiss him back at once. She was sure he had no regrets in his decision to tackle her, that was certain.

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