Chapter 22

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Her head hung out of the window, catching snowflakes and freezing tears. To call the last few hours of her life traumatizing would be as much of an understatement as calling Jaime Lannister an idiot. It would in fact be worse than calling Cersei Lannister crazy, or calling Robert a bad king or calling anyone from King's Landing an asshole. But understatements were necessary, since the words simply didn't exist.

She rolled, a massive mask of snow fell off of her face. She watched the white fall, and cursed. Bellow, her eyes caught the literal last person she wanted to see. Jaime. His eyes caught her's, and she wasted no time in snapping back into the old tower. She had no intention of going to her own room, Jaime and the rest of the arse bunch knew where that was.

She knew he was probably already heading to her personally selected hiding spot, so she wasted no time in getting up from the windowsill and setting off towards the nearest exit. Even so, her mind was far from where she was. At least, in time. She was then, running out of an abandoned tower when she was supposed to already be heading towards a feasting hall – but her mind was in the past.

Her mind was listening to Jaime's voice in that empty hall, her mind was still looking right into his eyes when he said it. When he said everything. When he told her everything. She was hearing him confess to his relationship with his sister, she was pushing him away as he held her against the wall explaining everything he could as fast as he could. About trying to end it, about Cersei and her mother.

She was still thinking about how close she was to breaking point, when Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon arrived from the other end of the hall. She was still doing everything she could to keep her emotions contained while the King and the Lord spoke to Jaime and herself.

While Robert explained changing arrangements, her blood was boiling under her skin. Joffrey would be marrying Sansa, making the Stark family just as close to the King as the Lannisters were, and Robb closer to her age than Jamie. Ten minutes before those words were spoken, she would have fought that. Instead she had merely nodded and made a quick exit... and disappearance.

She hadn't been allowed outside, the king's orders had been spread. So she'd found the only empty place and stayed there.

Turning she slipped into the cracks in the wall. It used to be a door. That had changed with time. Just as what she found within. Nothing of value, not even anything of particular interest. Rotting pages, mold, and a leak dripping water she figured was melted snow.

A library? A study? She'd never know. But it was old, and forgotten, and the perfect place to hide. Sliding down to sit just beyond the light, her knees became a pillow, and her mind became a pilgrim. It drifted from her hidden spot, past Jaime as he explored the tower, past the ravens waiting to carry messages across the land. It darted from the eyes of horses, to those of rats, to the spiders and other crawling things.

Then it stopped. It stopped with a wolf, with a grey body and legs ready to either pounce or play. A small one, in the snow at the edge of a ring of wood. The training grounds. At either side of the beast rested similar creatures. One whom, if not for his blood red eyes would be lost in the snow and one who refused to sit still.

"No one's seen her since the King and my Father spoke ," She turned the wolf's sharp gaze, and found who she was looking for. Robb Stark. He was resting beside the sword rack, with Theon, Jon and who she remembered to be Bran. The boy was sitting on the fence, while the elders all stood. "She can't be angry about not marrying a man twice her age, could she?"

"Perhaps she's angry about marrying a man who can't beat her in a sword fight," Theon jeered, and Bran forced a laugh to match the Greyjoy and Jon. The eldest stark was, well, less amused. "Maybe she has feelings for him."

She felt the growl of the wolf's throat before she intended to make the sound. Robb's brow creased with concern as he studied his wolf. She dropped his eyelids to hide the golden glow they no doubt held. "What's the matter boy?"

She bowed his head. They moved on.

"Snow might be right," Theon admitted. "You saw them greeting each other. And the Lannister looked like a lost puppy searching for her."

"The Kingslayer hasn't seen her either?" Robb was surprised. "Didn't you hear him asking for 'the quiet one with red hair?' He's been at it for hours."

"I saw her," Bran offered, taking his first chance to weasel into the discourse. "She was in the old tower, in the room with no window."

"What was she doing there," Theon questioned. Bran shrugged his shoulders. Robb turned his eyes towards the very building they spoke of, and she saw him bite his lip. "Well, whatever. In any event we'll all see her tonight. The King himself ordered everyone in Winterfell to be at the feast."

"Speaking of the feast," Robb was quick to change topics. "We were meant to get shaved almost an hour ago."

They began to approach the wolves, and Megara fled. Leaping from the wolf to the birds, from the birds to the bugs, from the bugs to at last another wolf. This one laid across the foot of a bed, head to paws, watching a girl a few years younger than Megara swinging a wooden stick.

Megara lingered there a while, watching, remembering when she herself was that age. She and Ellie. Eventually, the door swung in and Arya held the fake blade behind her back. It was her mother, Catlin Stark. Her tone was scolding, "Arya."

Meg made a quick exit. She'd had about enough of mothers for her lifetime. Cersei and Gwen had rather traumatized her. She drifted for a while then, peeking in on the lives of the Winterfell locals. Jaime never found her, and she wondered when he'd given up. She doubted he'd taken very long, he'd probably had to meet Cersei while Robert was distracted.

Megara stumbled to her feet, and pulled herself straight. She wasn't dressed for a grand feast, but she had no reason to be. Besides, she'd freeze in any of the dresses she owned even with one of her many cloaks.

It was time to face the storm.

A/N: Please done hate me <3
Ok so, let me explain myself. Fair warning; spoilers for the final season. Alright, now, I figured out why I have no inspiration for this story and his name is disregard for an entire series of character arc. The fact is, Jaime shat on his entire plot and ran back to Cersei with his dick between his legs and I lost all of my respect love and adoration for his character.

That said, writing a love story for him is making me gag constantly because I cannot get the moment he left Brienne out of my head. Which is why, Oath and Vows is ending. However, Meg's story is very far from over, the eye of love has just... shifted. More on that in the next update.

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