Chapter 8

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There was only one thing Megara wanted to do with her day, and that was to explore King's Landing

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There was only one thing Megara wanted to do with her day, and that was to explore King's Landing. However, that was quickly ended when the guards wouldn't let her out of the Red Keep unless she was accompanied by a guard or several other people. When she asked why, all they said was that the King had ordered it.

It was a major blow to her plans as she had intended to venture out on her own, but was instead confined to the Red Keep and its gardens. She was sulkily wondering around the Keep, when she crossed paths with Tyrion, who distractedly whistling as he walked, clearly feeling quite the opposite of her.

"Ah, Good Morning, Megara," Tyrion greeted when he saw her. Just Meg would do just fine, Tyrion, she thought, but obviously said nothing. Instead she smiled and nodded by means of greeting. "That is going to get annoying," Tyrion remarked, "At least until I've learned that language of your people. I imagine it's quite annoying for you as well though, my Lady, I'm sorry."

Megara gave a small smile and shrug, realizing that in future she should keep Ink, quill and parchment on her at all times as to avoid one way conversations. After a moment, Tyrion awkwardly cleared his throat, "Anyway, you might like to know that Jaime wanted to talk to you, he's outside of the King's chambers until noon. Until later, Megara." His whistling continued as he continued on his way.

Megara continued wondering around too, not quite caring whether Jaime wanted to talk to her or not as she considered what to do. There was something off-putting about wondering around the Red Keep all day, and she wanted to know why the king didn't want her to leave alone. She knew things worked differently in Westeros, and by what Jaime had said the previous day, the woman were not typically capable of fighting, but surely they were allowed to walk around alone.

There was also the matter of the Draconis Gull that she had seen through the squirrel's eyes. Why was it there? Who was watching me through its eyes? She shuddered to think of it. Of course, her first thought had been her mother, but why would she bother? It wasn't like Gwen could do anything to her in the Red Keep, only, the Gull wasn't in the Keep, it was in the forest...

Looking around, the unfamiliarity she felt remained, but she was getting used to it, slowly. The walls, though all lined with intricate windows, or tapestries and plants, they had nothing like the basilisks and dragons that adorned Shadowstone. Somehow, in her wondering she had found her way to the gardens, taking in the air her nose still tingled at the utter repulsiveness of the smell, but the flowers that surrounded the gardens greatly helped.

The flowers were of so many different colors and smells, and she could feel the life that buzzed around in the area. After a while of wondering, and overhearing many indiscreet conversations over how utterly inappropriate it was for a noble woman that is betrothed, to be showing her legs. If that was not their complaint, then they spoke of the knife at her side and the fact that she wore pants like men. Feeling quite annoyed, she stopped on a balcony that was in a strange place.

It was underneath an archway of overgrown bushes, with vines hanging over the entrance. It was narrow, and lined with rosebushes. It overlooked the sea, and looking out she could see some fishing boats bobbing around, seagulls flying through the air, and the waves in their ever raging battle with the shore. It was beautiful to watch, and she let herself get completely lost in it.

She found herself reminded of Asshai, and watching the white grass wave in even the most gentle breeze, which would send a shudder across it and the sound would carry in the wind. She wasn't even gone that long and she already wanted to do nothing more than go back, she was kind of disappointed in herself. When she was younger, all she had wanted to do was leave Asshai.

It was different then, she thought, I just wanted adventure then. Now it's real, now my mother wants me dead and I'm being married off to save my life. She spent hours watching the waves, and several times she slipped into a fish, or a bird, but she was being much more careful. She didn't know much about King's Landing, but she knew she didn't want to be caught spaced out with eyes different to her own.

It was hours after the sun had set, and the moon was almost directly above her, when she heard a loud caw as an eagle came swooping down from the sky, eyes glowing gold as she let it land on her arm.

'Dear Meg,

You dad told me to warn you to be careful, I've never seen Alistair this scared, Meg, and it's starting to make me scared too. "The lovely" lady Gwen is nuts, she refused to give Miriam the Rune of Air and you know that poor woman has been working hard for years. I know you haven't been gone long, and that you've only been in King's Landing, what, 2 days now? But I miss you, it's so weird without you.

The Alchemists have taken Harry in, and Alistair has been spending a lot of time with him. He has real talent.

I hope you're okay! Write me back soon, Meg, please?


Megara couldn't help the frown on her face as she pictured her mother flat out refusing someone their life's work and goals over her. However, she focused on the positives enough to force a smile onto her face as she rubbed the head of the Eagle that Ellie was obviously inside.

She kissed the Eagle's head before sending it off, diving into the mind of a seagull and flying around with Ellie for a time, before returning to her own body for fear of being caught. By then, it was midnight and Megara was getting tired. However, before she left the balcony, she noticed a Dragon Gull watching her from roof of a fishing hut below her. She eyed it for a while, before deciding it was best to leave.

The Dragon Gull was weighing heavily on her mind on she made her way back in the direction of her room. However, when she got there she was not expecting to see Jaime leaning against the wall beside the door. She raised her eyebrows when he looked at her. He wasn't in his golden armor, but rather in normal, dull brown leather clothing. He still had his sword at his side, but that was the extent of it.

"Where were you? We were looking for you everywhere, I was going to search the Keep." She put an apologetic look on her face before stepping around him and opening the door of her chamber. She quickly wrote down where she was and a rough apology. She thought he was still outside, but when she turned around, she saw he was inside the room. However, that was not what made her nervous, what made her nervous was his close proximity to her trunk, in which a vial of light was being stored.

There would be no way to explain that without revealing alchemistry to him, and that was something she could not do. She quickly moved in front of him, handing him the parchment. "The gardens? Are you joking, we checked there and you were nowhere to be found."

'Well, you could have just asked one of those women who were watching me the entire time complaining about my clothing. They'd have known.' She said. Jaime couldn't hide the fact that he had laughed, bringing a smirk onto her face. Before that distraction was gone, she quickly altered topics. 'Did you read the letter last night, or were you too drunk to understand letters?'

"I wasn't that drunk," She lifted her eyebrows but he said nothing to indicate that he'd noticed, even though they both knew he had. "And yes, I did read it. But sparing might not be the best idea, I can't hurt you the King would flay me, or ask a Bolton to do it." She smirked as she wrote her next message, 'So... your scared to spar with me? Is that it, Sir Kingslayer, sir?'

His eyes narrowed, and he was silent for a moment. Using his distraction, she shut her trunk lid to make sure he didn't find the vial of light, soon after he responded. "Alright then, My Lady, tomorrow morning. As long as we agree that if you get hurt it is not my fault."

'And if you get hurt, My Lord?' she asked. "I won't get hurt." The smug look on his face was only matched by the one on hers as they bid one another goodnight. That night, she slept better than the last, however, the Dragon Gull was haunting her dreams as she pictured her mother watching her through its eyes.

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