Chapter 7

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Megara was paying close attention to the world around her as she traversed the Red Keep, of course she had seen it before but it was different now that she was alone

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Megara was paying close attention to the world around her as she traversed the Red Keep, of course she had seen it before but it was different now that she was alone. Before, she had been distracted by Jaime, but as she walked through the long passageways alone, the true foreignism of everything really got to settle in.

The architecture was different, that was one thing, and the walls were all of plain sandstone. After so much time aboard Silence, the orange light had become regular to her, but the lack of swaying was strange. Not only was the interior different, glancing out the window felt odd. Seeing something other than the Towers or empty black and white expanse was so weird for her.

Every time she passed by a 'servant' she was reminded of the much different class system in Westeros. In Asshai, there was nothing quite like 'Servants and Nobles' and they never paid mind to gender. It was about what you could and couldn't do, your power of lack thereof. The Alchemists were always slightly looked down upon, but they were still valued and there was never any servitude, only favors and education. Everything was in equilibrium.

However, she could easily see that was not the case here. Skill didn't matter half as much as gender and skill. Everything seemed class based and that was an entirely foreign concept.

As she got closer to the Small Hall, she began to hear the boisterous and drunken conversation of Noblemen and respectable guards and soldiers. She also began to pass more and more servants, who all seemed too rushed to be bothered by the stranger amongst them. When she arrived outside the door, she checked everything on her person, her daggers, her knife, the letter hidden underneath her belt, everything. Once she knew she had everything, she pushed open the door.

She wasn't noticed, until King Robert noticed her looking around. "Ladies and Lords," he said loudly, resulting in everyone falling silent, "Lady Megara Emrys has arrived, and it is time for me to announce why we are here. Every one of us grew up on stories of the mysterious house Emrys in Asshai, but they are reclusive and never leave their homeland – until now, that the Lady Megara, is here to forge an alliance with house Lannister and thereby through my wife Cersei, Baratheon and the crown.

"I am pleased to announce that Lady Megara has been betrothed to my brother-by- Marriage," he looked to Jaime and said, "Come on, get up," which he did before the King continued. "Sir Jaime Lannister of the King's Guard." There was applause and catcalls and such, but Megara didn't quite care as she tried to make her way over to Jaime, who was still standing as he waited for her.

The moment the nobles had stopped their cheering, nearly every one of them that she passed tried to start a conversation with her. Those that didn't strike up conversation were mostly women, who remarked the strangeness of her clothing, the inappropriateness of the amount of skin she was showing and the knife at her waist – none of which would have been given a second thought in Asshai.

When she reached Jaime's side, she was quite sick of everyone in the room. He was sitting with all the Lannisters, as well as two people she had yet to meet. There was two open seats – one next to Cersei and one next to Jaime, one she was sure was meant for King Robert.

"I'm sorry about that," Jaime said when she had finally reached him. She couldn't help but notice how his eyes went straight to the amount of leg that was visible, but he said nothing and she didn't remark about it either. "These nobles can be very annoying." She laughed and nodded, before Jaime carried on talking. "I know you've met Cersei, this is my brother Tyrion, my niece Marcella, my nephews Joffrey and Tommen and they are Petyr Baelish and Varys."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," said Petyr, but his hands were moving as he spoke in the language of her people, and said something entirely different. 'Welcome to Westeros.' Her eyes went wide, and she immediately began to ask, 'How do you know how to speak our silent language?'

"A great deal of Practice, and help from me." Varys said, making it know that he also spoke the language. Jaime's face showed his obvious confusion. "The people of Asshai take Vows of silence, my lord, after which their only means of communication are a series of hand movements that have no name." Petyr explained, Jaime nodded then said, "Perhaps I should try learning this language." This made Megara smile as she sat down next to him.

"It is very difficult to learn but can be quite rewarding." Varys said. 'How so? I wasn't aware anyone outside of Asshai could speak it.' Megara asked. "Not very many people can," Petyr said, but his hands told a different story, 'some people use it to pass secrets without others overhearing. Like we are, right now. Only Varys knows what I'm saying.'

'You're quite fast,' she remarked. "Thank you, but I imagine I am nowhere as fast as you." Cersei, who had been talking to her daughter, chimed in to the conversation. "You're most likely right, lord Baelish, I've seen how her hands can move." Megara smirked as Varys' interest peaked. "How fast can you speak then, lady Megara."

She moved her hands as fast as she could, saying that there was no chance he'd understand. "I do understand, I just couldn't move nearly that fast." Varys said, which surprised her. Jaime, likely feeling left out, chimed in as well. "You'll have to teach me this language, my Lady." Jaime said.

'Please tell him to call me Meg,' she asked Varys, but Petyr is the one who answered. "She asks that you call her Meg, my lord." Petyr said. "Very well, Meg." Jaime said. This went on for a while, as light hearted and funny conversation passed around the table. Tyrion also joined in before the night was done, but she had not seen Robert since the beginning of the feast.

Jaime had learned a few words once they had been repeated, namely 'Hello' and 'Please tell them to go away' which had come up every time a new noble tried to make conversation with the Asshai native. However, there reached a point where every man in the room was drunk, and she had almost killed a noble for touching her leg (he had mistaken her for a whore) with the knife in her belt.

Jaime had decided to escort her out, just to avoid further incident. "They aren't used to women with short clothing," Jaime apologized, "But I suppose it's normal in Asshai. Is it, normal in Asshai?"

Not wanting to explain where she got the clothing, she simply agreed. They continued talking until they reached Megara's chamber door, where they paused. "Well, good night Meg," Jaime grinned. She smiled, and got the letter out from under her belt. He handed it to him silently, still rolled up, before sliding into her room. There was a moment before he starting walking away, she could hear that he was taking slow steps as he moved along, likely reading as he walked.

Megara didn't change clothes as she got into bed, sliding her knife under her pillow, and settling on her back. She shut her eyes, and reached out with her mind. There were many hounds, cats and sea gulls in the area, but Megara ignored them as she sought out something beyond, something in the forest lands.

Her mind reached something small, a little squirrel as it scurried through the trees. She dove into its mind as it flew from branch to branch, continuing along its path. She simply played around in the trees for a long time, before something gave her total pause.

It was a bird, the kind that only existed near the Volcano in Asshai, the kind that flew about the Dragon Eggs and made sure no one disturbed them. The kind that never willingly left, watching her with bright golden eyes. She jerked with fright, the squirrel falling from the tree and Megara herself falling off of her bed. She did not sleep very much that night, and by the time the sun was rising, she was already up and ready for a new day.

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