Chapter 4. Give Me Back My Sister! (Edited)

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A/N I've decided to be nice and update twice! I hope you don't get to mad at me. By the way, I have nothing against mice! I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far and don't forget to vote and comment!


3 Weeks Later

It's been three weeks since I've seen Lukas and the gang and I've been restless ever since. I feel like ever where I go, I'm being followed. I have been extra protective over Willow lately, but she didn't seem to notice or care, she was glad to have some quailty time with her favorite big brother. Ms. Violet went to the doctor because Caleb had a check up so I have to pick up Willow. She took the only working car so we have to walk the four blocks home. When she saw me she ran to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey, how's my favorite sister." She giggled.

"I'm your only sister."

"That's why you're my favorite."

"Can we go to the park today?" She asked. I hesistated to answer her. I didn't want to take her but, I wanted to make her happy. I sighed. I spoil her too much.

"Puh-Lease!!!" She begged.

"Sure. But you have five minute ok."

"Yay! You are the best big brother ever!!"

"I know. So come on, let's go."

We walked the two blocks to the park. I looked around, cautiously, making sure that there was no danger ahead. Willow ran in the middle of the open field and started dancing around. I smiled. When I finally feel like it's safe, I actually start enjoying myself.

"I learned how to do a cartwheel today." Willow said.

"Really? Can you do one for me?" I asked. She then did a successful cartwheel. I clapped as she took a bow and giggled.

"Now, I'm gonna do five in a row!" She said. She starts with the first on and then does her second, I hear a snap behind me and I quickly turn around to see no one there. I let out a sigh of relief but, then I hear a scream in front of me.

I jump up to see Lukas and Liam in front of me. Lukas held Willow down while, Liam tied a rope around her wrists and ankles. I let out a ferocious growl. My hands instantly moved to my mouth. How did I do that?

Lukas smirked and boy how I wish I could smack that smirk off of his face.

"Let my sister go right now!" I snarled. Willow started to cry. Liam looked down at her with pity in his eyes but said nothing to her.

"Zek, please help me!" She whimpered. I took a step forward but when I did Liam picked her up.

"I told you to come with us but, you refused. So we are taking the girl."

"Over my dead body!"

"If you want her than come and get her."

Liam and Lukas took off towards the woods beside the park. Willow screamed as she was being carried off and I wasted no time following after them. They were significantly faster than me and I was far behind in no time and I was getting tired but, I wasn't going to stop.

When I lost sight of them, I felt a sudden burst of energy and I felt myself running faster. I felt like I could run for days without running out of energy. Soon, I was gaining on them but then they quickened their pace. I don't know how long we've been running. I can't even tell where we are anymore.

All of a sudden, this creepy dark cave came in to view. There were human skeletons scattered all over the place and Lucy was standing in front of the cave. Liam handed Willow to Lucy making me growl again.

"Give me back my sister!!" I yelled.

"This cave," Liam said. "Is for supernatural species only. If your human, you die instantly." He walked over to a tree, and he picked a mouse that was sitting under the shade. He threw the mouse into the cave. The mouse fur fell of as it melted leaving only the bones.

Willow screamed as I shivered in horror as Lucy kicked the pile of bones away. "If you are a supernatural then you'll be ok." Lukas said as he walked in and out the cave.

"Let's see what happens when we take Willow inside." He said gesturing to Lucy as she walks towards the cave . Willow tries to wiggle out of her hold but Lucy's grip is tight.

"Stop." I scream in horror as Willow starts screaming. I run towards them but Liam and Lukas hold me back.

"Let her GO!!" I screamed. I kept screaming like a mad man as Lucy kept getting closer to the cave. She's gonna die. My sister's going to die because I couldn't protect her.

"NO!!" I screamed as they entered the cave. Willow screamed. Nothing happened. Her skin didn't melt off, she wasn't a pile of bones. She was okay. I stopped struggling as Lucy carried her deeper into the cave. Willow cried out for me and I didn't hesitate to follow after them. As soon as I walked into the cave everything was different. I could smell a billion times better, I could see farther, and I could hear really far away. I wonder if Willow can feel this.

As soon as I walked out of the cave I saw Willow, who was now freed, and Lucy standing beside her. Willow ran into my arms sobbing like a baby as I shushed her.

"It's ok, I'm here now and I am never leaving you again." I whispered. Soon the whole group was their smiling at me. Then I realize that the cave ending at the top of a cliff and at the bottom was a beautiful city that was naturally built into the forest around it. Lukas smirked.

"Welcome to the Werewolf World."

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