Chapter 6. Kaden and Ruby (Edited)

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"Zek, come on wake up! We have to go to Liam's house for the weekend." Willow said shaking me. Ever since we have been sworn into the pack, Willow and I have been going there every day. I had to go through intense training to bring out my wolf. I am really sore and I really, really, REALLY, don't want to go.

"Ughh! I don't wanna go!" I whined.

"Come on please! It's so much cooler there, come on." I glanced at the clock. It was ten and I know that Liam would give me an earful if I am late.

"All right, go get your stuff."

"Yes!" She ran to her room as I go and take a shower. As soon as I got dressed, I went to the dining room and made myself a bowl of cereal. Ms. Violet came in with a fully dressed Caleb. She seated him in his chair as she brought out his food and began to feed him. Willow and I ate of our favorite ceral, Fruity Pebbles.

"So what are you guys going to do today?" Ms. Violet asked.

"I spending the weekends at Liam's and Willow wants to go over to Lucy's house for the weekend too ."

"You guys go there alot." She laughed. "I don't mind the free time though."

"Do you need us?" Willow asked.

"No,...just be careful and do anything stupid, okay."

We nodded. "Caleb and I might be gone when you guys get back, but we should be back on Monday, Wednesday at the latest. Are you guys going to be fine on your own?"

"Yeah of course. Oh, Will we gotta go, we don't want to be late. We'll see you later, Ms. Violet."

"Bye, I love you guys." She called.

"Love you too." We said as we left. When we got to the cave, Liam was there waiting for us.

"Someone's late."

"I'm tired okay, you guys don't play about your training."

"Can I train today, please!"

"You have to ask your brother." She turned to me.

"Please?" She said giving me the puppy dog eyes. I sighed.

"Only self defense moves!"

"Yes!" She dashed down the cave. Liam and I chuckled as we followed after her. When we got out, she was half down the zipline.

"WEEEEEEE!!!!" We followed after her. As soon as we hit the platform, she was dashing towards the training fields.

"Come on, Zek! I'm almost there you guys are taking forever!"  She linked me. I let out a startled chuckled. This thing never stops feeling weird.

"We're coming!" When we got to the training field I saw Willow running up to Lucy telling her that she gets to train today and that she wants to train with her. Lucy looked up at me and I gave her a conforming nod.

"I'll be happy to train you!"

"Only self denfense moves!"

"Ok. I knew there was a catch. You're no fun." I shoot her a glare as she giggled and left with Willow.

"Well, since they are gone, we can spare."

"You don't believe in breaks do you."

"Not at all."  We began like usual. Liam tries to use his speed to trip me up but I see in coming and I dodge him. What I didn't see was his fist that puched me in the stomach. I groaned and held me stomach and fell on the ground.

"Didn't see that one come did ya."

"No." I groaned.

"Come on, get up!"  The pain didn't stop. It spread from my stomach to my chest. I cried out.

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