Chapter 10. The Hunter and Her Babies (Edited)

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3 Months Later

"Wake up Zek!" Willow said.

"Leave me be!" I whined. "It's Saturday let me sleep in!"

"Wrong! It's Thursday, it's six forty, luckily for you we don't have school, but and Lukas is become Alpha today!!" Aw man she's right, and Lukas will KILL me if I am late today. I hurry and get dressed then join everyone for breakfast in the dining hall.

"Hey guys."

"Hey sleepyhead, it takes you forever to wake up." Mariah said.

"I know, and here I was thinking he'd miss our favorite person become Alpha." Ryan said sarcastically.

"Is that sarcasm I here."

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." Liam said. Lukas and Lucy walk in hand in hand. The pack bowed.

"Good morning Alpha." Ryan said mockingly as Lukas pushed him.  Dallas walked over to me and asked me if Willow could sit with him.

"Sure, but I'm watching you two." The girls awwed as the two ran off.

"So cute!"

"They're probably mates!"

"Mates!" I said.

"Calm down we don't know for sure yet." Liam said.

"Anyway, you guys I need to tell you something. Liam, I want you to be beta and Mariah beta female. Ryan, you are my gamma , Alexis, gamma female and Zek, you are my top warrior. I want the you guys and your mates to be with me when I become Alpha." Lukas said.

"I'm your top warrior? Is that even a position?" I asked.

"I want you to be by my side along with Ryan, and Liam. Can you do that?"


"Then it's a position."

"Ok." Then Alpha Darren walked in with a look of pride on his face.

"Son, it's time." Lukas looked at us and we nodded as we stood with. The entire pack assembled in the courtyard. Willow stood close to the front with Dallas and his mother, Luna Kayla. As soon as the entire pack was gathered Alpha Darren stood on the platform  with Lukas in front of them.

"Today my oldest son Lukas takes over as Alpha!" The pack cheered before he silenced them.

"Do you, Lukas Niko Cave, swear to love, protect, honor, and lead the Full Moon Pack."

"I, Lukas Niko Cave, swear to love, protect, honor, and lead the Full Moon Pack." Alpha Darren took a knife out of his pocket and sliced his palm, and then sliced Lukas. He pressed the bleeding palms together as I felt a large wave of power come off of Lukas.

"I now pronounce you Alpha of the Full Moon Pack." Darren hugged Lukas as took the knife. Lukas did the same process for Ryan, and Liam. Making them the knew gamma and beta. He called me up and I walked up to him.

"Our legend, destined to save us all will be my top warrior, always at my side, and will be treated with respect along with my gamma and beta." He said. there was a chorus of yes Alphas.

"We are your new leaders." Everyone shifted and howled.  Dallas seemed amazed when he saw Willow's wolf. The wolves left, I assumed to shift back somewhere.

"What do we do next?" I asked.

"Next is the party!" Liam said.

"Awesome!" I cheered. Lukas' eyes went hazy.

"Alpha we have a situation. We need you to come to cave."

"Sure. My Gamma,Beta, Top Warrior, and I are on it." We rush to the cave to see three pack warriors standing at the entrance.

"What's the problem?" Lukas asked.

"Listen." We listen and it sounds like crying? Someone is crying at the end of the cave!

"Is that crying?" Ryan asked.

"It is. There's a baby at the end of the cave."

"That's not possible! They're only two half breeds. If it was a human baby it would have died upon entry!" Lukas said.

"It's true Alpha." I felt a connection with this baby. Why? I walk inside.

"Zek? Wait! It could be a trap." Liam said. I didn't listen and I kept walking towards the sound. Liam followed me and then Ryan then Lukas. At the end of the cave was a baby, right beside it was a skeleton reaching towards it. I shivered in horror. As I got closer to it, I finally saw who it was. It was Caleb!

"No,no, no, no, no!" He was wrapped up in a blanket bawling his little head off. I looked at the skeleton with tears in my eyes.

"You didn't!" I shouted. Lukas looked at Caleb with a confused expression.  While Ryan looked at the skeleton with sadness in his eyes as well. Kaden howled with sadness and anger as I punched the cave wall repeatedly.

"Zek. Zek stop!" Lukas said.

"Why? Why did she do this? Why did she leave him alone?"

"She didn't leave him alone she left him with you." I took deep breaths as I looked at Caleb. He little arm looked bent and all different places, no wonder he was crying so much. I hold him close as he stops crying.

"How is he alive? He's human."

"I don't know." I said wiping the tears from eyes. I hold onto him tightly, I don't know how long I sat there holding him before Lukas said

"We need to get him to the pack doctor."

"Okay, can you take him?" Lukas nodded as he took the child from my arms. I walk over and picked up the skeleton. It still felt warm in my arms.

"I want to bury her."

"We can do that." Liam said. Lukas linked a pack member and the brought me a body bag. I put the skeleton inside and we brought with us. Caleb started squirming in his blanket and a piece of paper popped up from the blanket.

"What's this?" I asked. I picked up the paper and read the letter.

Dear Ezekiel and Willow,

I didn't want you guys to find out this way, but it seems like I have no other choice. I knew you two were half breeds long before you did. Your mother and I were really close and when she told me, I didn't believe her until she shifted in front of me! Then I told her my secret I am a special breed of human called Hunter destined to kill werewolves. So we drifted apart each to fulfill our destiny. When I found you two my whole world changed. I loved you guys like you were my own. I was assigned to kill the chosen wolves that were going to stop the upcoming war. Then I noticed you and Will disappearing and I prayed it wasn't true that you two weren't the ones I have to kill but when Will got suspended it confirmed my suspicion. I was supposed kill you right then but I couldn't do it. They said if I didn't do it then they kill Caleb. So I injected him with wolf blood that I stole when I went away for that weekend. He should be safe with you guys. No one else knows your secret. Please don't cry for me. I would gladly give up my life for my babies. Remember your promise Zek. Take care okay. I love you guys.

Kaden wanted blood and so did I. I will kill everyone that did this.

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