Chapter 26

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"Josh please let me go!" I scream at him from my cell

It's been a week now, that I have been officially kidnapped by my boyf... Well I consider him as my ex now. I've been beaten and treated badly for the first time in my life and I have no understanding as to why. I'm not exactly sure as to where we are, I think it's far away from my home though. I've tried not to think about my parents and my friends too much as I know that I will breakdown straight away.

"Not until we find your parents" he grumbles running his hands through his messy hair

I haven't been for a shower or changed clothes in a week. A week! I look down at my groggy skin and groggy hair knowing that it's only going to get worse

"What have they done so bad to make you want to find them so badly?" I question, not really wanting him to answer truthfully

"I don't want to have to repeat this again Stacey!" He says sternly

I look at his eyes as he glances at me and I'm sure I spotted a twinkle of morse and regret.

"How are you going to use me to find my parents?" I ask "you know that I have no idea where they are right?"

"Stacey, you don't understand" he sighs

"Whatever" I've seriously had enough with putting up with him, I'm still so utterly upset with him that I can't even cry anymore, the tears have all gone.

"I thought you actually loved me Josh" I mumbled

He snaps his head up "pfft" he answers

"I can't believe you Josh" I said with a lump forming in my throat " after Aundre happened, you helped me, you took care of me and I loved you for that"

"Stacey, shut.."

"DONT YOU TELL ME TO SHUTUP JOSH" I continue " why did you do this? I know I don't understand but could you help me to understand, please?" I plead

He gives me a look of sadness "Stacey, I've seriously had enough of your pleading, so I'm going to tell you right now. Your parents killed my parents, okay?" He says so calmly

"Why are you so calm? Aren't you the littlest bit upset? What do you mean my real parents killed yours?" I'm so confused and tired

"My parents were great friends with your parents, I know your parents Stacey, your mum looks like you a lot and you have the same eyes as your dad. They are nice people. Until one day, they were going out to the pub. I stayed home because I obviously didn't want to go. It was late when I heard a knock on the door." He rubs his forehead, in distress " It wasn't them Stacey, it was the police" I gulped already knowing what happened. I want to hug and comfort him but I know there was no way I was going to do that now. "Your parents were driving with my parents at the back, they were drunk and they didn't know what they were doing. They swerved onto the opposite lane and a truck rear ended them. The truck killed my parents instantly. It was your parents fault. I had no one Stacey, no one"

I try to absorb all the news that he he just blurted out to me. His parents are dead. They are dead. My parents did kill his parents but they were all drunk, if Josh's parents were in the same position then they would've killed my parents as well, right? The only reason why Josh bumped into me was because he wanted revenge. I know now that he definitely didn't love me, one little bit.

"So the only reason why you "accidentally" bumped into me was for revenge! REVENGE! Are you friggen serious!" I'm fuming " so you stalked me? You didn't want anything from me? You used me! You are torturing me because of what MY parents have done! I have nothing to do with them!" I shouted ready to punch him in the face.

"Stacey, what was there to do? I couldn't just sit there and grieve for my parents death! I was so angry, so damn angry! I had to find you. And yes I might've accidentally bumped into you but I didn't know that I would fall i.."

"SHUTUP JOSH, JUST SHUTUP, IVE HAD ENOUGH! I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" I start to bawl into my hands, pulling at my hair in frustration. Why me?

He walks out in a huff and slams the door behind him. I scream and scream and scream.

After a couple of hours, Josh comes back in through the door and storms right up to me.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that ever again!" He yells and slaps me in the face. Why does his mode change all the time?

I hold my cheek trying to cool my burning face down from the slap and slowly sob.

"We are leaving tomorrow morning, your adopted mum told me the exact address, well she was forced to anyways" he says with a slight grin and a giggle

"I hate you Josh, all for revenge, I hate you." I murmured nodding my head from side to side

"What exactly are you going to do Josh?" I question hesitantly "when you find my parents and have your 'revenge'"

"What do you think I'm going to do Stacey?" He answers with no hesitant in his voice "I'm going to do what they did to my parents."

He says simply with a smirk "I'm going to kill them"



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