Chapter 27

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I'm cuddled in Josh's arms watching Summer Heights High from my TV, thinking that i wouldn't trade Josh for the world.

This moment is just so perfect.

I examine my surroundings. My mother is on the couch and my father is in the kitchen, cooking up what is supposed to be a storm. But, my dad's terrible at cooking so I'm sure that it will be a hurricane rather than a storm.

"Are you hungry lovebirds?" My dad asks from the kitchen, trying to make us laugh.

"No I'm cool, thanks Mr Millian" Josh responds "no thanks" I say aswell

"I guess it's just for me and mum then" they both smile at each other with love

We continue to watch Summer Heights High when I suddenly hear police sirens outside

"What's that?" I ask everyone

Suddenly everything becomes blurry and fuzzy and everything fades out

I jolt awake, sweat pouring down my face from my dream

I'm back to reality, great.

I'm being whipped around in the back of the truck due to Josh's fast and un controlling driving. Why is he driving so ridiculously fast? Maybe he wants me to become hurt.

"STOP" I shout

But then I realise what he's actually driving away from

I continuo to hear police sirens that disturbed me from my dream.

They are getting louder and faster every second. Meaning that they are gaining on him.

"HELP" I bang at the back of the truck trying to get their attention but I know it's useless because everything is just so loud and they would never see a bang in the back of the truck due to it's think material. But it's worth a try.

Josh whips around the corner, trying to lose the police which causes me to bang my head against the side of the truck.


I clutch my head in pain, I can feel my brain shaking about and throbbing.

I glance over at Josh and I see sweat beads forming on the top of his forehead

I'm going to escape!

He's not going to get revenge on my parents!

Suddenly, police swerve around the front of the car but Josh successfully turns around them

"HELP" I scream

"SHUTUP" Josh shouts back

I whimper and back away, I've never heard him sound that stressed or angry before

I hear him breathing loudly and his eyes are full of worry and terror knowing that he's going to go to jail for what he has done.

I smirk at the thought. He damn right deserves it.

I never thought that Josh was capable of doing this to me, never in my wildest dreams. Especially in the dream I just had, he was so caring and nice, but now look at him. He has turned into a monster. All because he wants revenge.

Unexpectedly, Josh's trucks tires dig into the sand causing the truck to stop with a halt. We are bogged. Finally, I'm going to be saved. But as soon as that thought comes to mind, Josh presses down on the pedal as much as he can and turns the steering wheel to get away from the already stopped police.

I reach out to stop him and I pull the wrong thing. Bad mistake. I feel the truck leaning to the side and we suddenly roll down an unknown hill. We roll and roll and roll causing me to go everywhere as I don't have a seatbelt. Bang! Bang! Ouch! My head hits the roof, my legs fling into the side causing a jolt of pain to shoot through my body.

"STACEY" Josh screams just before I'm knocked unconscious


I wake up the sounds off beeping and the smell of strong disinfectant. I slowly open my eyes to realise that I'm in hospital.

I crook my head up and see nursers rushing to me.

"Stacey Millain, how are you feeling?" One of them asks

"Um.. good" I croak back"

I try to lift my arm but pain shoots through me instantly

"Ouch" I squeak painfully

"Try not to move anything Stacey." The nurse informs me "unfortunately, due to the rolling of the car you were in, you ended up with 3 broken bones and several scratches and bruises to the head. You will need to rest here for a couple of days until most of the injuries are healed up."

"Oh... O..okay, b...but" I stumble, confused as to what exactly happened.

A police man abruptly knocks on the door just as the nurse was about to explain.

"Stacey Millian?" The police officer asks. I nod my head slowly, afraid of what he was going to tell me.

"My name is officer Crooge and I'm here to inform you of what happened incase you were confused and I'm here to ask you questions" officer Crooge says.

I nod and he continuous " the man that was in the car with you, what was his name?" He asks

"Josh Fehan" I reply guilty and nearly in tears.

Is Josh okay? Where is he? omg please let him be safe! All these questions flood my mind. I know that Josh hurt me and abused me but I still care for him even when I don't want to.

"Okay, is he related to you?" Officer Crooge scribbles in his notepad

"No, he is my.. Uh.. ex boyfriend" I reply with a tear down my cheek

"And can I ask you why were you in his car, without a seatbelt?"

"He.. uh... kidnapped me" I say in shock of realisation of what I just said. I just dobbed him in.

"Is that right Stacey?" Officer Crooge asks

"Yes" I start crying

"Thank you for your time and please get some rest and feel better" he says just before walking out

"Wait!" I call for him

"Yes?" He turns around the corner

"Is Josh okay?"

"We are not sure yet Stacey, after the car crashed into the local dam, he escaped without further notice. The police didn't catch him on time, but they luckily saved you." He responds before walking out for real this time

He escaped. I can feel my heart beat against my rib cage. He escaped.

Please let my parents be alright, I plead.

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