Chapter 6

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It's a Friday and I'm longing for the weekend

I'm in English, Mr Campbo's class. Mr Campbo is quite an interesting teacher with an interesting YouTube channel which has him creating clay models and telling people how to be etiquette, it's so hilarious!

Anyways, as usual, I zone out on whatever he is talking about

I'm thinking about Aundre, I just can't stop! Maybe if I never moved to Perth, nothing would've happened. But if I stayed in California, I wouldn't have met all my nice new caring frien..

"Stacey, what is the answer?"

"Uh.. Um"

" you weren't listening were you"


"Hmm, I though so"

"I'm sorry Mr Campbo, but it's jus.."

" nope, no buts, meet me outside until the end of the period please" Mr Campbo interrupts

I stand up, push my chair in and walk outside with everyone's eyes on my back.


Finally the siren goes

Woo! It's the weekend

Great, I'm going to have a huge lecture now.

Mr campbo comes outside

" what's going on with you lately Stacey?"

"It's just um.. It's hard to explain"

"Well you need to pick up your game young lady! You used to be a straight A student and you were very good at listening, now you are getting low C's and zoning out every single period! "

"Sorry" I say with water in my eyes

Have I told you I'm sensitive?

"Right, well I'm contacting your mother because it's certainly not good enough"

"Okay" I nod my head and walk to where my bag is and then I start walking home, dragging my feet along, dreading facing my mum

There's one thing that my mum hates most of all, which is when I do badly in school


When I arrive home, my mum opens the door with such force that my hair blows out of my face

" What is going on Stacey!"


"I just received a phone call informing me that you haven't been paying attention in school! I'm am very disappointed in you Stacey Millian!"

"I'm sorry! It's jus.."

Why do I always get interrupted!

" no Stacey, not good enough, I'm taking your phone and iPad away! You probably haven't been doing well in school because you have been texting your bloody boyfriend of yours all day long"

I start crying a little, no... a lot

" oh, I didn't mean to upset you that much? Why are you crying so heavily?" My mum says in a guilty voice

"I don't have a boyfriend mum"

" aww I'm so sorry Hun! I can't believe he would do this to you! Do you want to talk about it?"

"No thanks"

"I'm so disappointed in him, I'm so sorry darling, we will talk about it later yeah?"


"Okay I love you sweetheart"

"I love you to"

I go to my room and lay on my bed and eventually , I fall asleep


Oooo dam, sorry for the short chapters guys, I think I'm just a short chapter type of gal 😂😂 anyways, thanks for reading ☺️❤️

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